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Dieses Thema enthält 3 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von andreasF-52 Vor 1 Woche, 5 Tage.

Assistiert von: Mihai Apetrei.

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Februar 24, 2025 unter 3:35 pm #16741974


Hintergrund des Themas:
I am trying to deactivate the WPML SEO plugin. All other plugins can be deactivated and re-activated again.

Die Symptome:
I expected to see the plugin deactivated, but instead, the WPML SEO plugin remains active.

Why can't I deactivate the WPML SEO plugin?
Is there a specific process to deactivate the WPML SEO plugin?

Februar 24, 2025 unter 3:52 pm #16742033

Mihai Apetrei

Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Europe/Bucharest (GMT+02:00)

Hi there.

Before this ticket gets assigned to one of my colleagues, I will try to help.

I'm not sure what is stopping the plugin from being disabled when you disable it manually from the backend, and it would require a bit more investigation to find that out.

But there's a quick solution that should help you get it deactivated.

Log into the backend of the site (SFTP/FTP/"File manager" app if you have access to it from the hosting backend) > wp-content > plugins > find the "wp-seo-multilingual" folder and rename it to whatever you want (you can add "1" at the end).

That should instantly deactivate the plugin from the WordPress backend.

I hope that you will find this information helpful.

Mihai Apetrei

Februar 24, 2025 unter 5:02 pm #16742389


Hi Mihai,

many thanks for your quick reply and help in this issue. Great advice from you.

DEactivating the plugin is not urgent for us at the moment.

We had some problems with WPML in the recent past that are luckily resolved by now.

I was just wondering if there might be some important issue if it is not possible to deactivate this plugin.

Do you think that not being able to decativate a pluging in the wordpress dashboard is a hint towards another issue or do you think it is not ?

Looking forward to your reply and thoughts on this.

Kind regards,


Februar 24, 2025 unter 9:35 pm #16743427

Mihai Apetrei

Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Europe/Bucharest (GMT+02:00)

Hi Andreas,

I understand your concern.

I don't believe there is a significant issue with the site. It seems that something outside of WPML is interfering with the deactivation process.

If this is not a priority for you and you prefer not to disable the plugin, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

It's also good to know that there is always a quick solution to force-disable that plugin (or any other plugin, whether WPML or not) if you ever need to do so.

I hope this clarifies things for you.

Februar 25, 2025 unter 12:46 am #16743648


Great advice -thanks a lot:-)