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Cleaning-up my database

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: Chat Support

0 2 1 mês, 4 semanas atrás


The wpml_post_language_details hook is not working consistently

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

2 2 5 meses, 2 semanas atrás


XLIFF Import: Import failed, file doese not seem to be properly formed

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

2 6 6 meses, 3 semanas atrás

Long Nguyen

Don't see translations in Translations Queue

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: Chat Support

1 2 10 meses, 1 semana atrás

XLIFF import zip incompatible file

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

1 2 10 meses, 1 semana atrás


Exporting content for translation and import on same site

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

2 3 11 meses atrás

Mohamed Sayed

Pages Are Broken Upon Translation

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

2 4 1 ano atrás

Long Nguyen

Is there a way to redirect to a translated version of a page?

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

2 12 1 ano atrás

Andreas W.

WPML chat support ticket by johnM-108 – 1707419656

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

1 1 1 ano atrás

Issues When Copying Site To Development Environment

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

2 4 1 ano, 1 mês atrás


Translate GDPR cookie plugin

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: Chat Support

1 2 1 ano, 1 mês atrás

Advanced Custom Fields Radio Box Default Value Selection Issue

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

2 9 1 ano, 1 mês atrás

Nicolas V.

translate Webtoffee Cookie Consent

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: Chat Support

1 2 1 ano, 2 meses atrás

WPML chat support ticket by johnM-108 – 1704205986

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support

1 1 1 ano, 2 meses atrás

Split: Translated Custom Fields Returning Different Data 1 2 3

Iniciado por: johnM-108 em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

4 41 1 ano, 2 meses atrás


Todos os artigos escritos por johnM-108: