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Apoiador Vozes Posts Frescor
Homepage suddenly shows in English in stead of Dutch

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: Chat Support

1 2 7 meses, 2 semanas atrás

English page showing Dutch articles

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: Chat Support

1 2 1 ano, 7 meses atrás

Settings for Categories and articles, for articles to go live after translation 1 2

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

2 20 1 ano, 7 meses atrás

Subash Chandra Poudel

Getting weird links by using the menu / language switcher

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support

2 2 2 anos atrás


WPML with MaxMegaMenu

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support

2 2 2 anos atrás

Prosenjit Barman

Translations not opening Elementor and URL nog accessible

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support

2 2 2 anos atrás

Mohamed Sayed

open_basedir notice

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: Chat Support

1 2 2 anos atrás

We have a translation that stays in status In progress

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: Chat Support

1 2 2 anos atrás

Translating Mega Menu 1 2

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support

2 27 2 anos, 1 mês atrás

Subash Chandra Poudel

Dutch page is now in french after translating

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support

2 15 2 anos, 3 meses atrás


Translation compleet, won't go live

Iniciado por: rutgerd-3 em: English Support

2 10 2 anos, 4 meses atrás


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