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Este hilo está resuelto. Aquí tienes una descripción del problema y la solución.

El cliente enfrenta un problema al enviar grandes lotes de traducción con WPML, recibiendo un error de 'lote revertido'.
1. Limpiar trabajos en progreso en la Gestión de Traducción siguiendo las instrucciones en
2. Ir a 'WPML > Soporte > Solución de problemas' y hacer clic en los siguientes botones:

  • Limpiar la caché en WPML
  • Corregir la colación de element_type
  • Corregir la colación de tablas WPML
  • Sincronizar IDs de trabajos locales con trabajos de ATE
  • Sincronizar traductores y gestores de traducción con ATE
  • Asignar estado de traducción a contenido duplicado
  • Establecer información de idioma
  • Corregir asignación de tipo de post para traducciones

3. Limpiar las cachés del sitio y del navegador.
4. Añadir una traducción a la Cesta, eliminar el nombre del lote existente y asignar un nombre único antes de enviarlo al traductor.
Si el problema persiste al enviar grandes lotes, intenta enviar lotes más pequeños, como 1,000 cadenas, y cambia el nombre del lote para cada envío.
Para seleccionar más cadenas de traducción a la vez, ajusta el parámetro 'strings_per_page' en la URL a la cantidad deseada, por ejemplo, 1000.
Ajusta las variables PHP que pueden afectar el proceso, como 'max_execution_time', 'max_input_vars', y 'post_max_size'. Consulta con el soporte de tu hosting para actualizar estos valores.

Si la solución proporcionada no resuelve el problema o parece no ser relevante debido a que está desactualizada o no se ajusta a tu caso, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También te sugerimos revisar los problemas conocidos en, verificar la versión de la solución permanente y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de temas y plugins. Para asistencia adicional, visita nuestro foro de soporte en

Este es el foro de soporte técnico de WPML, el plugin multilingüe de WordPress.

Todas las personas pueden leerlo pero solo los clientes de WPML pueden ingresar comentarios. El equipo de WPML responde en los foros 6 días a la semana, 22 horas por día.


Este tema contiene 6 respuestas, tiene 2 voces.

Última actualización por Prosenjit Barman hace 6 meses, 2 semanas.

Asistido por: Prosenjit Barman.

Autor Entradas
agosto 20, 2024 en 8:07 am #16086065


Antecedentes del problema:
Buenos días, se cerró el tema (me fui de vacaciones)

Necesito soporte con esto aún.

Resumen: cuando mando la cesta de traducción de WMPL a procesar me dice lote revertido y no la procesa.


Error "Lote revertido"


agosto 21, 2024 en 6:35 am #16088757

Prosenjit Barman

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00)

Hello There,
Thanks for contacting WPML Support.

To reduce the waiting time, I took this ticket and responded in English. Please let me know if you're okay with it or if you want to continue the conversation in Spanish language. I will check and forward this ticket to one of our Spanish-speaking supporters to assist you in the Spanish language.

I understand the issue you're facing. It appears there’s a problem with the Translator, which is preventing the batch from being sent properly. Please try the following steps and check if they helps in solving the issue.

1. Clear any in-progress jobs in Translation Management as outlined here:
2. Go to "WPML > Support > Troubleshooting" and click on the following buttons:
- Clear the cache in WPML
- Fix element_type collation
- Fix WPML tables collation
- Synchronize local job IDs with ATE jobs
- Synchronize translators and translation managers with ATE
- Assign translation status to duplicated content
- Set language information
- Fix post type assignment for translations

3. Clear your site and browser caches.
4. Add a translation to the Basket, remove the existing Batch name(Screenshot: enlace oculto), and assign a unique name before sending it to the translator.

Let me know if this helps! I will be happy to help if you need further assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

agosto 23, 2024 en 8:32 am #16097640


Hi Prosenjit, thanks for yourt help.

There are no jobs active (all are past) for applying (1)

But with the instructions I've removed all basket, follow (2), (3) and (4) steps and...

is working right now.


agosto 23, 2024 en 8:58 am #16097767



It isn't working. Worked for a small basket. But now with new string tranlation with 26000 words, happens again when trying to process basket.

I tried again to empty basket, follow all your steps and add again all strings to translate.

I attach the two steps that wpml tries before throwing "Lote revertido" error.

Please, I need help to solve that as we have spent days and days with that and my costumer is very angry.


Final message.png
agosto 26, 2024 en 5:23 am #16102329

Prosenjit Barman

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00)

Hello There,
I hope you're doing well. Sorry for the delay in responding due to the weekend.

I understand that the issue occurs only when sending a large batch of strings for translation. Have you tried changing the Batch Name (Nombre de lote) before sending them to the translator? If that doesn’t resolve the issue, please consider breaking the batch into smaller parts and then sending them separately.

While WPML should be able to handle large translation batches, server limits and PHP settings could impact the processing of such large batches.

Try sending a smaller batch, such as 1,000 strings, and see if that resolves the issue. If the smaller batch is sent to the translator successfully, you can gradually increase the number of strings. Remember to change the Batch Name for each separate batch before sending them to the translator.

Let me know how it goes. I will be happy to help if you need further assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

agosto 26, 2024 en 7:33 am #16102903


Hi Prosenjit,

100 strings worked.

How can I select 5.000, for example? Or 1.000? Obviously without going page per page 100 by 100.

Besides of that, which PHP variables can affect to this steps of adding many strings.

If it helps you, the error "Lote revertido" appears" in 2 seconds after starting processing basket.

Thanks !

agosto 27, 2024 en 3:31 am #16107159

Prosenjit Barman

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00)

Hello There,
Thank you for the update.

Glad to hear that sending a small batch for translation helped!

In String Translation, the maximum number of strings you can select at once is usually 100. However, you can display more strings by making a small adjustment in the URL.

- In the URL bar, after `wp-admin/`, add the following parameter:
- admin.php?page=wpml-string-translation%2Fmenu%2Fstring-translation.php&strings_per_page=500

In this parameter, you'll see a query named `strings_per_page`. You can set this value to the number of strings you want to view on a single page. For example, if you want to send 1000 strings for translation, set the value to 1000 and press Enter. You'll be able to select 1000 strings in this way and send them to the translation basket.

The PHP variables that can impact the process include `max_execution_time`, `max_input_vars`, and `post_max_size`. You can adjust these settings by following the appropriate guide. The recommended values for these variables are as follows:

- `max_execution_time`: 300 seconds or more.
- `max_input_vars`: 5000 or more.
- `post_max_size`: 50M or more.

You can reach out to your hosting support regarding updating these values for your site.

Please let me know if the information above helps or if you need further assistance in this matter. I will be happy to help.

Best regards,

agosto 27, 2024 en 8:35 am #16108265


Hi and thanks for your support.

Was the - `max_input_vars`: 5000 or more.

This solved.
