Resolved in: WPML Multilingual CMS 3.9.3
Overview of the issue
Since WPML 3.9 you may find the following warning on your WordPress Dashboard:
Which is followed by the following error:
2018-01-12 13:37:004 index wp_error wpml-config/config-index.json code: http_request_failed message: cURL error 35: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
This issue was introduced some time ago and caused issues with wpml-config.xml file. However, it is visible only now, due to the new log feature added with WPML version 3.9 or greater.
This error message is commonly associated with issues related to the cURL extension in PHP and how it is configured within your server.
The most probable reason is that the version of cURL installed on your server is outdated.
Our server only accepts allowed protocols. If your server has an outdated version of cURL, it’s likely that it’s trying to send the request by using an insecure and prohibited protocol, hence the error.
We are releasing a version of WPML which will not send this request through HTTPS, as this level of security is not necessary for this specific request.
However, to solve the problem before the upgrade and to avoid future issues due to the same cause, we strongly recommend to contact your hosting service and ask them to update the cURL extension to 7.34.0.
Isn’t SSLv3 prohibited to use?
“SSL 3.0 was (also) later prohibited in June 2015 by RFC 7568”,_2.0_and_3.0
Indeed Clyde,
I’ve updated the errata with more precise information.
Thank you for pointing this out.
I am getting this error after moving site to root directory and activating https.
I did not changed hosting provider.
How can I workarround this issue?
This was resolved in WPML 3.9.3. Try updating.
Update 3.9.3 didn’t resolve this for me. Neither having 256MB in wp-config helped.
Can anyone come with a solution to this?
Hello Antonio, please create a ticket in our support forum, okay? Thanks.