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Dieses Thema enthält 10 Antworten, hat 3 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Ahmed Mamdouh Vor 10 Monaten, 1 Woche.

Assistiert von: Ahmed Mamdouh.

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Februar 13, 2024 unter 10:32 am #15296736



ich habe folgendes Problem. Ich kann Translation Jobs nicht abbrechen. Ob diese abgeschlossen sind oder nicht. Ich will alte und abgeschlossene Jobs entfernen aus Gründen der Übersicht. Außerdem will ich zum Teil auch neue Jobs triggern.

Diese Jobs gehen dann zu Crowdin als Translation Service. Mit Crowdin haben wir dann auch das Problem, dass obwohl die Übersetzungen in Crowdin fertig sind, die Sync in WordPress nicht funktioert, bzw. die Übersetzung nicht gezogen wird.

Bitte um Unterstützung.

Viele Grüße



I have the following problem. I cannot cancel translation jobs. Whether they are completed or not. I want to remove old and completed jobs for reasons of clarity. I also want to trigger some new jobs.

These jobs then go to Crowdin as a translation service. With Crowdin we also have the problem that although the translations are finished in Crowdin, the sync in WordPress does not work or the translation is not pulled.

Please help.

Best regards

Screenshot 2024-02-13 112521.png
Februar 13, 2024 unter 6:23 pm #15299177

Andreas W.

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch )

Zeitzone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


Ich kann gerne anbieten mir das einmal genauer anzusehen.

Ich möchte einen temporären Zugriff (wp-admin und FTP) auf die Website anfordern, um das Problem genauer zu untersuchen.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Februar 14, 2024 unter 10:06 am #15301116


Hallo. Ich werde gleich oder im Anschluss (nach Absprache) die Zugangsdaten zur Verfügung stellen. Vorher wollte ich jedoch eines absprechen. Ich habe eine 1:1 Kopie der Webseite auf unserer Testdomain. Reicht der Zugriff auf diese Webseite ( aus?

Februar 14, 2024 unter 11:00 am #15301565

Andreas W.

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch )

Zeitzone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

Wichtig ist, dass die Site mit dem professionellen Übersetzungsdient verbunden ist und das Problem dort ebenfalls auftritt.

Ich muss Zugriff zu den entsprechenden Jobs haben.

Beachte hierzu auch, dass man Jobs, die zu einem professionellen Übersetzungsdient gesendet wurden, nicht im Übersetzungsmanagement abbrechen kann.

Du müsstest dazu den professionellen Übersetzungsdient direkt kontaktieren.

Warum abgeschlossene Übersetzungen nicht erhalten werden können, müsste sich ein Kollege vom Translation Proxy Team anschauen.

Könntest Du dazu ggfls. die Unterhaltung auch auf Englisch weiterführen?

Februar 14, 2024 unter 3:54 pm #15303387

Andreas W.

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch )

Zeitzone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

Ich habe meinen Kollegen vom Translation Service Team über dieses Ticket informiert.

Er wird sich so bald wie möglich mit Dir in Verbindung setzen.

Februar 14, 2024 unter 4:27 pm #15303582


Danke sehr. Ich bin auch noch mit dem Support von Corwdin in Kontakt. Ich versuche mich derweil um das Problem zu kümmern, dass die Jobs wieder nach Crowdin geschickt werden können. Bis ich das Problem nicht lösen kann, wird die Problematik mit dem Fehschlagen des Sync Prozesses auch nicht angegangen werden können, wenn das Problem damit einhergehend nicht ohnehin schon gelöst wird.

Februar 14, 2024 unter 4:59 pm #15303745

Ahmed Mamdouh

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Arabisch (العربية )

Zeitzone: Africa/Cairo (GMT+02:00)


This is Ahmed Mamdouh from the translation proxy team and I'll help you with this ticket.

First regarding cancelling the jobs request, Mainly you can't cancel the job after it has been sent to the translation service, this option is not added because it cause some issues with the syncing the jobs, but there is a workaround for this, You can overwrite the stuck jobs with new local jobs and then cancel the new jobs, you can do this by sending the jobs that need to be canceled to any local translator and then cancel them.

Let me know if you still need further explanation regarding this.

Second Regarding The Sync issue, Please try to go to WPML -> Translation Management and click the "check status and get translations" button, if the problem still persists, please contact Crowdin support to help you with this.

Let me know if you still need any help,
Ahmed Mamdouh.

Februar 15, 2024 unter 10:47 am #15306446


Hi Ahmed,

thank you for the reply. I will try the workaround and come back to you, which could take me some days. When it comes to canceling jobs. I also can't "cancel" an already finished job. There is no need for me to keep a finished and already translated job in my "jobs" list. We will have much more translation to come and the list is getting bloated. How can I deal with that issue?

Maybe you could explain to me how I can override a stuck job with a local translation job, since I'm restricted to access an already started/sent translation to a translation service when I want to edit that translation. I also don't have the option to "resend" a job from the translation basket of the translation which is "stuck" since the translation/page isn't in the list for me to "resend".

What also didn't work for me is:
WPML -> Translation Management and click the "check status and get translations"

I'm having currently issues with Crowdin. Somehow I can't fetch any data anymore after reestablishing a new connection (which supposedly were established successfully). However my issues described before were present before establishing a new connection. But I suspect after updating WordPress/WPML (on Sunday 11.02.2024). That's why it may take me a while before being able to test all your recommended solutions. However the "cacel jobs" issue still needs to be resolved.

Februar 19, 2024 unter 9:33 am #15316772


Just to come back to the topic of failed syncing. The sync works with Crowdin and WPML. My issue is still persistent with "failed" translations, where the sync didn't work. The solution or workaround is for me to cancel those failed translation (the translations where the sync for some reason doesn't worked). I need to cancel those jobs and I want to clear my translation list. I want to delete all jobs and (done or not). So I can start with a fresh and clean list. I don't want to have a bloated list with hunderts of finished/translated list. There is no need for that.

It seems that's something what's not possible. Is that correct? So I will have a list at some point with thousand of finished jobs sitting in my list for no reason? We have current a website with over 100 pages. We have currently German and English. And now we started with Spanish translations. Polish and Italian will follow soon. And we won't stop there. So you can imagine how the list will look like at some point.

Since the cancelation doesn't seem to work in WordPress WPML, maybe you have a SQL solution for that purpose?

Best regards

Februar 20, 2024 unter 10:22 am #15321640


Since you didn't answer me yet, you either don't have an answer or my ticket isn't important enough for you. Nevertheless I can give you my workaround for the next similar ticket another person could open. You can cancel those jobs if you publish the page you want to translate and then delete it. Then you can open/start a new translation job and send it to your translation service. This also "deletes/cancel" the jobs in the list.

If you could answer my last question it would be much appreciated.

April 29, 2024 unter 5:27 pm #15578419

Ahmed Mamdouh

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Arabisch (العربية )

Zeitzone: Africa/Cairo (GMT+02:00)


I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the significant delay in responding to your support request. It has come to our attention that your request went unanswered for an unexpected period, I am truly sorry.

You are absolutely right about the workaround you invented.

We can't delete the jobs from the list. and We internally working on a solution to improve and optimize this matter, So hopefully it will be available in the next WPML releases.

For now, the jobs are deleted if the translation is deleted.

But with the SQL, If we clear the job data this may corrupt some relations with other data that may create issues.

So the best thing right now is the workaround you proposed.

Again please accept my apology and Please note that we have taken immediate steps to rectify this issue and have implemented additional measures to prevent such occurrences in the future. Furthermore, we have prioritized your support request and are committed to resolving any issues or concerns you may have with the utmost urgency.

Thanks for your cooperation and patience,
Ahmed Mamdouh.