WPML is ready with a very important bug-fix. We recommend that you upgrade immediately to prevent data-loss.
Attention – glitch: after upgrading, the theme and plugin localization might change to ‘no localization’. Login to WP, go to WPML->Theme and plugin localization and check that it didn’t change.
Critical Bug Fixes – Upgrade ASAP
There are many great new features in WPML 2.2.2, but we have to start with the bug fixes.
The previous versions of WPML had a quiet bug, which doesn’t cause any noticeable effect, until WPML’s configuration is erased. We had the questionable pleasure of enjoying the effects of this bug 2 days ago on wpml.org. Since then, we made ourselves busy investigating, debugging and fixing the problem.
What happens is that WPML added a record in the options table instead of updating it. Slowly but surely, this option takes more space in the database until the data serializer fails and the entry becomes corrupt. Then, WPML’s language information fails.
We had to use DB backup to get the correct wp_options cell and apply it to our database. It’s not fun and we recommend that you avoid that by upgrading immediately.
Like every other plugin upgrade, please backup your database before.
Network activation
Now that we got the bugs out of the way, let’s spend a minute on what’s new in WPML 2.2.2.
The big new feature is the ability to Network activate WPML. This is critically important for professional webmasters, running blog networks, or many client sites on multisite installs.
Network activation is a very complex feature in WPML. It means that different child blogs use shared resources. We made every effort to check, debug and test WPML’s network activation on different scenarios. Before you use it on client sites, please run a local test and see that you’re happy with it. Let us know if you have any ideas, suggestions or problems.
Improved Theme Compatibility
This release includes important changes to support complex commercial themes. There are changes for Headway, Carrington Build and PureVision.
We’re delighted that the theme authors are happy to work with us. Together, we can provide fully multilingual solutions and make everyone’s lives easier.
Other Stuff
We’re also almost ready with beta Gravity Forms Multilingual and Shopp Multilingual. These will allow WPML to fully translate these plugins.
I’ll have the beta releases on Monday.
Please note that in order to use these, you’ll need licenses of the other plugins as well as WPML.
If you already entered your subscription key and email in the WordPress admin, you should be able to download directly from the WP admin panel. Otherwise, you can download the files from your WPML account.
If you’re not a client yet, you’re always invited to purchase and get the recent versions of WPML and our support.
I have entered my subscription key and email in the WP admin, and I see the link Upgrade automatically, but that link just gives me the possibility to deactivate or configure. How do I upgrade?
WordPress caches the plugins data for 12 hours. Try tomorrow and it will work.
To upgrade today, login to your WPML account and download the recent version manually. Please, remember to make backup of your DB before this and any other upgrade.
Tried again today, but can’t see that automatic upgrade works. Same problem.
these kind of bugs are NOT cool and a website of my client seems to be affected 🙁
well, we’ll deal with that later…
I will certainly look into multisite as I have it running on sandbox environment and I have noticed some things missing. I really cannot care less that they’re missing as all other functionality is present; basically the only things missing are flags and direct translation links in some admin pages (pages, posts, custom post types). Anyways will have a look to see if that works now. Great improvement!
Yup, this bug is certainly not cool at all. This is why we pushed out the release as soon as we found it.
To recover on a live site, get previous DB backup. Then, use phpmyadmin to copy the content of the icl_settings cell from the wp_options table from the backup to the current DB. If you need help, contact us and Mihai will help with that.
Thanks for testing out the multisite functionality. With a little feedback, we’ll get it to fully operational state soon!
Thanks for yr offer, got it fixed already fortunately! Will now start testing the multisite setup in my sandbox and let you know later.
as far as i can see multisite functionality now works perfect. I installed it on my sandbox where I already had 1 site running in a multilingual environment and WPML recognised that once and ket the settings intact. Plus it now also shows the missing flags in the main edit posts/pages/custom post types screens. On sites that did not previously run multilingual it shows all the options you get when installing the plugin for the very first time. The only thing I didn’t check was how it goes when you do not network-activate the plugin and instead choose for separate activations, but I assume that is no problem either!
Great improvement Amir, Mihai & the rest of the WPML team!
is it neccessary to clean up the database somehow to remove the rubbish wpml has created?
WPML is not supposed to leave rubbish behind. If it does, start a thread in the forum and describes what’s happening.
that is what i read from your posting above?!?
Slowly but surely, this option takes more space in the database
Yes. It’s a bug. The upgrade fixes it and cleans up the DB, eliminating all duplicate entries for this value.
The problem is not with the DB size getting very large. It’s with that specific entry getting corrupt, due to oversize.
I prefer that you read about it from us and fix by upgrading than see your site crashes. This is why we proudly introduce new features and openly discuss known bugs.
Update didn’t work, got a message that the package wasn’t available:
Uppdateringen börjar. Denna process kan ta ett tag på vissa webbhotell, ha tålamod.
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Uppdaterar tillägget WPML Multilingual CMS (1/3)
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Uppdaterar tillägget WPML String Translation (2/3)
Ett fel inträffade vid uppdateringen av WPML String Translation: Uppdateringspaketet ej tillgängligt..
Uppdaterar tillägget WPML Translation Management (3/3)
Ett fel inträffade vid uppdateringen av WPML Translation Management: Uppdateringspaketet ej tillgängligt..
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Is this somehow related to the bug when trying to upgrade to Swedish WP 3.1.1?
It might be related to the maintenance mode plugin (which I think that you’re using). It seems to tell WordPress to fetch the downloads from the wrong place.
WPML hooks to the plugin download and adjusts it. If there’s a different plugin that is related with the upgrade process, it’s possible that this plugin doesn’t respect that modified download URL.
How do I do a manual update?
Login to your wpml.org account, click on Downloads and download the updated versions.
The beta versions of Gravity Forms Multilingual and Shopp Multilingual are out ? if so, where can I download them ? I would like to test it!