Problem: Der Fehler tritt im Mega Menu auf, wenn die Sprache eine andere ist als "Österreich" oder "Deutschland". In jedem englischsprachigen Mega Menü unter dem Punkt "Services" fehlt der Abschnitt "Products". Solution: Der fehlende Abschnitt im Template "mega-menu-at" tritt bereits auf, wenn die übersetzten Templates im WordPress Editor geöffnet werden. Auf dem originalen Template ist eingestellt, dass dieses Template mit dem WordPress-Editor übersetzt wird. Das Verhalten ist zu erwarten, wenn diese Übersetzungsmethode verwendet wird. In diesem Fall muss der Inhalt manuell direkt in Elementor erstellt werden. Wir empfehlen, stattdessen den WPML Übersetzungseditor als Übersetzungsmethode einzustellen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Lösung möglicherweise irrelevant ist, entweder weil sie veraltet ist oder nicht auf Ihren Fall zutrifft. Wir empfehlen dringend, verwandte bekannte Probleme auf zu überprüfen, die Version der dauerhaften Lösung zu verifizieren und zu bestätigen, dass Sie die neuesten Versionen von Themes und Plugins installiert haben. Sollte das Problem weiterhin bestehen, zögern Sie nicht, ein neues Support-Ticket zu eröffnen.
Problème : Le client souhaite savoir s'il est possible d'utiliser simultanément la traduction personnalisée et automatique sur un même site WordPress utilisant WPML. Solution : Nous confirmons que c'est possible. Pour ce faire, allez dans WPML > Paramètres > Préférences de traduction et assurez-vous que l'option « Traduire ce que vous choisissez » est active. Ensuite, vous avez deux options : 1- Pour envoyer plusieurs pages à la traduction automatique, naviguez vers WPML > Gestion des traductions > Sélectionnez les pages que vous voulez traduire > Envoyer à la traduction automatique. 2- Pour traduire seulement une partie du contenu d'une page, ouvrez l'éditeur de traduction en cliquant sur le signe « + » (plus), cliquez sur l'élément que vous voulez traduire, et là vous pouvez choisir « traduire automatiquement » ou entrer la traduction manuellement.
Si cette solution ne répond pas à vos besoins ou semble obsolète, nous vous recommandons de vérifier les problèmes connus, de vérifier la version du correctif permanent, et de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions des thèmes et plugins. Si le problème persiste, n'hésitez pas à ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support.
Problem: You are using WPML to manage translation jobs and encountered an issue where you expected to see a list of translations, but instead received an error message 'Unable to load translation jobs'. Solution: We found that the issue was due to an incomplete translation job that was still saved in the database while the original content had been deleted. We have manually fixed this issue for you.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we recommend opening a new support ticket. We also highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, please visit our support forum at WPML Support Forum.
Problem: The client was unable to see the credits assigned to their website in their WPML account, despite the credits being visible on the website's WPML dashboard. Solution: 1. We advised the client to first unregister WPML from the WordPress dashboard by navigating to Plugins->Add new->Commercial tab and clicking on 'Unregister WPML'. 2. Next, the client should remove the site key from the account and delete it. 3. After removing the key, the client should re-register the site in the WPML dashboard, which will generate a new key. 4. If the credits still do not appear as expected in the account, the client might need to reassign the credits from the site back to the account and then redistribute them to the site. This can be done by following the documentation here: How to remove credits from a site.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems irrelevant due to updates or differences in your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problema: Stai cercando di aggiungere un evento in italiano e duplicarlo in inglese, ma incontri errori nell'editor di traduzione di WPML che impediscono di completare la traduzione. Soluzione: Ti consigliamo di selezionare l'opzione "Use the previous version of the Editor" dalle opzioni in alto a destra nell'editor di traduzione. Questo potrebbe risolvere il problema che stai riscontrando.
Se la soluzione proposta non risolve il problema o se sembra non essere più rilevante, ti invitiamo a verificare i problemi noti e a confermare che hai installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin. In caso di ulteriori difficoltà, ti consigliamo di aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto. Per assistenza ulteriore, visita il forum di supporto WPML.
Problem: You are trying to translate pages built with Elementor using WPML's Multilingual Tools, but only the menu on the left side is translated, not the content in the middle of the page. Solution: After adding the custom XML configuration, you need to refresh the page by saving it. You can see how to do this in a screen recording here. Once you've done that, the contents will appear for translation, and you must complete it before the translation will show up on the frontend.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or not applicable to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If you still need assistance, please open a new support ticket here.
Problema: Il cliente desidera sapere quanti crediti di traduzione sono stati utilizzati per traduzioni in cinese. Soluzione: Se stai cercando di calcolare i crediti di traduzione utilizzati per una singola lingua, ti consigliamo di accedere a WPML > Gestione Traduzioni > Tools. Qui puoi scaricare il report delle traduzioni effettuate, che include dettagli sulla lingua e il numero di parole tradotte.
Se questa soluzione non dovesse essere più rilevante, perché potrebbe essere datata o non applicabile al tuo caso, ti invitiamo a aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto. Ti consigliamo vivamente di controllare i problemi noti, verificare la versione della correzione permanente e confermare che hai installato le ultime versioni di temi e plugin. Per assistenza ulteriore, visita il forum di supporto WPML.