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Sélecteur de langue qui ne s’affiche pas et footer non traduisible
Angefangen von: Pascal in: Assistance en français |
0 | 10 | Vor 1 Monat, 1 Woche | |
Angefangen von: Pascal in: Assistance en français |
2 | 4 | Vor 5 Monaten, 2 Wochen | |
Traduction très partielle avec elementor
Angefangen von: Pascal
in: Assistance en français
Problem: $area_img_alt = get_post_meta( $area_img['id'], '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); to: $area_img_alt = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); This change fixed the post loop issue. <wpml-config> <elementor-widgets> <widget name="pxl_heading"> <fields> <field>title</field> </fields> </widget> <widget name="pxl_text_editor"> <fields> <field>text_editor</field> </fields> </widget> <widget name="pxl_post_grid"> <fields> <field>loadmore_text</field> <field>button_text</field> </fields> </widget> </elementor-widgets> </wpml-config> Please note that this solution might be outdated or not applicable to your case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at https://wpml.org/known-issues/, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the issue persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum. |
2 | 18 | Vor 9 Monaten, 4 Wochen | |
Problème de redirection suite
Angefangen von: Pascal in: Assistance en français |
2 | 3 | Vor 1 Jahr, 5 Monaten | |
Problème de redirection
Angefangen von: Pascal in: Assistance en français |
2 | 5 | Vor 1 Jahr, 5 Monaten |