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Mitlesen können alle, doch nur WPML-Kunden können hier Fragen veröffentlichen. Das WPML-Team antwortet im Forum an 6 Tagen pro Woche, 22 Stunden am Tag.

Dieses Thema enthält 4 Antworten, hat 2 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von michaelS-331 Vor 9 Monaten, 1 Woche.

Assistiert von: Noman.

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Juni 16, 2024 unter 3:57 pm #15742719


Hintergrund des Themas:
Meine von qi-addons in Elementor verwendenden Section Titles die ich überall auf der Seite verwende werden von WPML nicht erkannt. Alle Anforderungen für WPML sind erfüllt.

Die Symptome:
Elementor qi-addons Section Title werden nicht erkannt und übersetzt. Ich kann auch in den Strings nirgends die Sections Titles finden.

Warum werden die von qi-addons in Elementor verwendeten Section Titles nicht von WPML erkannt?
Wie kann ich die Section Titles in den Strings finden und übersetzen?

Juni 16, 2024 unter 5:09 pm #15742807


Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)


Thank you for contacting WPML Support. I will reply to you in English. If you prefer support in German, please let me know.

The Qi Addons For Elementor plugin is fully compatible with WPML as you can see here:

So, please try to follow the below procedure and see if this resolves the issue:

1. Please open the default language page in Edit mode.

2. Make a small change, for example, add a space or + sign in your page/post title.

3. Update the page by pressing the “Update” button.

4. Now, please remove that small change that did in step #2.

5. Update the page again.

6. Now, please try to open the translated page in WPML Translation Editor and see if the titles are available for translation.

Please let me know the results,
Thank you

Juni 18, 2024 unter 7:58 pm #15750812


Hey Noman,

thanks for your reply, English is fine for me 🙂

Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem I still can't se the headlines in the WPML Translation Editor...
I noticed that these are Qode Elements not Qi Addons For Elementor I have both plugins in use on this site. Is Qode also supported?



Juni 20, 2024 unter 8:19 am #15762042


Sprachen: Englisch (English )

Zeitzone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Thanks for the additional details. It might be a compatibility issue, could you please follow the below steps and let me know how it goes:

1. Please login to the fresh WP site by clicking on the auto login URL: versteckter Link

2. Please install the Qode Elements plugin and configure configure it as you did on your site.

3. Please create a test page and insert the problematic Headline/title element and try to translate it and let me know how it goes.

Please note that we only need above mentioned plugin functionality, you don't need to set up an entire website or clone your existing site. You can see more details here:

Please let me know the results,
Thank you for your cooperation

Juni 21, 2024 unter 8:43 am #15772618


Hey Norman,

thanks for your reply. I tried to reproduce the problem but I can't.

I installed the same plugins for Elementor but the widgets are not there. On the Sandbox-Site I only see 3 Widgets. On my site there are over 40... Maybe the come with the Halstein Theme?
I attached 2 Screenshots of the different looks on my site and the Sandbox-Site.



Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-21 um 10.38.04.png
Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-21 um 10.37.53.png
Juni 21, 2024 unter 9:10 am #15772894


Hey Norman,

I switched the Widgets from Qode to Qi Addons because both have these Widgets and the Qi Addons are working with the WPML Translation Editor. So I will change all the Headlines and than it should work.

