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Questo è il forum di assistenza tecnica di WPML, il plug-in multilingue di WordPress.

La sua lettura è permessa a tutti, ma la pubblicazione è riservata esclusivamente ai clienti di WPML. Il team di WPML risponde sul forum 6 giorni su 7, 22 ore su 24.

Questo ticket contiene 13 risposte, ha 2 voci.

Ultimo aggiornamento da andreaA-45 1 anno, 11 mese fa.

Assistito da: Laura.

Autore Messaggi
Marzo 28, 2023 a 12:41 pm #13349241


Quando attivo WPML, il mio sito ha dei bug. Esempio: link nascosto

Vi ho creato un sottodominio affinchè possiate fare tutti i test del caso.
Vi allego link e credenziali di accesso.


Marzo 28, 2023 a 1:40 pm #13349821


Lingue: Inglese (English ) Italiano (Italiano )

Fuso orario: Europe/Rome (GMT+01:00)


grazie per averci contattato.

Per favore non inserire le credenziali direttamente nel post, il forum è pubblico e comunque non possiamo utilizzarle per via del GDPR.

Quali sarebbero questi bug?

Marzo 28, 2023 a 1:54 pm #13349983


non appena attivo il plugin il sito si rallenta e comporta degli errori ad alcuni plugin.

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:05 pm #13350127


Lingue: Inglese (English ) Italiano (Italiano )

Fuso orario: Europe/Rome (GMT+01:00)

Che errori? Senza sapere quali sono i problemi esattamente non posso fare niente.

Se non hai il testo degli errori per favore attiva il debug.log di WordPress e riporta quello che trovi

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:20 pm #13350307



Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:24 pm #13350321


Lingue: Inglese (English ) Italiano (Italiano )

Fuso orario: Europe/Rome (GMT+01:00)

Queste sono le informazioni di debug di WPML, che mi hai già inviato, non il log degli errori. Per favore leggi la documentazione che ti ho inviato.

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:31 pm #13350349



Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:40 pm #13350409


Lingue: Inglese (English ) Italiano (Italiano )

Fuso orario: Europe/Rome (GMT+01:00)

Questo non è il debug.log di WordPress, non è qualcosa che puoi trovare in WPML > Assistenza.

Se non ti è chiaro qualche passaggio della documentazione fammi sapere quale ma non inviarmi log a caso.

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:43 pm #13350443


[28-Mar-2023 14:31:25 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:32:22 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:32:46 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:32:56 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:34:02 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:34:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:06 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:36:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:36:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:47 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:49 pm #13350463


Lingue: Inglese (English ) Italiano (Italiano )

Fuso orario: Europe/Rome (GMT+01:00)

Nessuna di queste notifiche è collegata a WPML, ce ne sono di collegate a Yoast, Elementor e WooCommerce, ma niente che rimandi a WPML.

Prima di vedere gli errori nel debug.log è necessario riprodurli, lo hai fatto?

Al momento l'unica cosa che non va bene è il WP Memory Limit troppo basso, ma difficilmente causa errori con plugin di terze parti. Ti suggerisco comunque di aumentarlo seguendo questa procedura

Per tutto il resto ho bisogno di più informazioni altrimenti è impossibile capire quali siano i problemi.

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:53 pm #13350569


Al momento è scollegato ed è attivo solo nel sottodominio che avevo creato per voi...ora lo attivo e ti giro tutto

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:54 pm #13350573


[28-Mar-2023 14:31:25 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:32:22 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:32:46 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:32:56 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:33:50 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:34:02 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:34:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:06 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:35:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:36:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:36:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:47 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:38:51 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:52 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:52 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:52 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:52 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:52 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:44:52 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:00 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:00 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:00 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:00 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:00 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:00 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:24 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:46 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:46 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:46 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:46 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:46 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:46:46 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:41 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:41 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:41 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:41 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:41 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:47:41 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:41 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:42 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:42 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-stripe-blocks-integration' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:42 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:42 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-bacs' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:42 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-blocks-registry' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:42 UTC] Payment gateway with handle 'wc-payment-method-cod' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency 'wc-settings' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: link nascosto
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:50 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:55 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:55 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:56 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:56 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:57 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:57 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:58 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:58 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:59 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:48:59 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:49:13 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 151
[28-Mar-2023 14:49:48 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:51:49 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1226): User 'u150793022_n7XPY' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 25) in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 1775
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:50 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '4953-it' for key 'trid_lang' for query INSERT INTO `wp_icl_translations` (`element_type`, `language_code`, `trid`, `element_id`) VALUES ('post_attachment', 'it', '4953', '3061') made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, SitePress->rebuild_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_posts, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_post, SitePress->set_element_language_details, WPML_Set_Language->set, WPML_Set_Language->insert_new_row
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:50 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '4955-it' for key 'trid_lang' for query INSERT INTO `wp_icl_translations` (`element_type`, `language_code`, `trid`, `element_id`) VALUES ('post_attachment', 'it', '4955', '3070') made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, SitePress->rebuild_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_posts, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_post, SitePress->set_element_language_details, WPML_Set_Language->set, WPML_Set_Language->insert_new_row
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:50 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry 'post_elementor_library-2747' for key 'el_type_id' for query INSERT INTO `wp_icl_translations` (`element_type`, `language_code`, `trid`, `element_id`) VALUES ('post_elementor_library', 'it', '4958', '2747') made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, SitePress->rebuild_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_posts, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_post, SitePress->set_element_language_details, WPML_Set_Language->set, WPML_Set_Language->insert_new_row
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:50 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '4959-it' for key 'trid_lang' for query INSERT INTO `wp_icl_translations` (`element_type`, `language_code`, `trid`, `element_id`) VALUES ('post_elementor_library', 'it', '4959', '3456') made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, SitePress->rebuild_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_posts, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_post, SitePress->set_element_language_details, WPML_Set_Language->set, WPML_Set_Language->insert_new_row
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:51 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry '4968-it' for key 'trid_lang' for query INSERT INTO `wp_icl_translations` (`element_type`, `language_code`, `trid`, `element_id`) VALUES ('post_attachment', 'it', '4968', '3061') made by require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, SitePress->rebuild_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_information, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_posts, TranslationManagement->add_missing_language_to_post, SitePress->set_element_language_details, WPML_Set_Language->set, WPML_Set_Language->insert_new_row
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:54 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:54 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:54 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$duration in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 648
[28-Mar-2023 14:52:54 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$slot_step in /home/u150793022/domains/ on line 649

Marzo 28, 2023 a 2:58 pm #13350599


ho trovato l'errore...grazie per il supporto