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Trellis by Mediavine theme compatibility

Iniziato da: timK-2 in: English Support

2 11 4 anno, 3 mese fa

Marcos Vinicios Barreto

"Trellis by mediavine". I just found out that the links to the archive pages at the bottom of the page contain 2 times /de

Iniziato da: timK-2 in: Chat Support

1 3 4 anno, 4 mese fa

Instead of url for the page page id is shown (related to sticky links plugin?)

Iniziato da: timK-2 in: English Support
Soluzione rapida disponibile

2 2 4 anno, 8 mese fa

Marcos Vinicios Barreto

WPML chat support ticket by timK-2 – 1592981454

Iniziato da: timK-2 in: Chat Support

1 1 4 anno, 8 mese fa

Disable Advanced Translation Editor

Iniziato da: timK-2 in: English Support

2 2 4 anno, 10 mese fa

Rohan Sadanandan

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