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We are ready with a beta version for WPML 3.2.3. This release is a stability update for WPML. It closes a number of holes and includes overall improvements. WPML 3.2.3 goes into complete QA next week. We are releasing this beta, so that people who are facing problems due to resolved issues can use this version already.

WPML 3.2.3 Core


  • Fixed a potential security issue
  • Fixed missing parentheses in mobile switcher
  • Changing admin language on one site (multisite) does not sets admin language on all sites anymore
  • When ‘Language as Parameter’ is used, wp_link_pages() pagination produce malformed URLs
  • Fixed WPML breaking XML-RPC calls
  • Fixed wrong order of languages when using icl_get_languages with orderby=name
  • Fixed several glitches and issues related to the menus synchronization
  • Fixed redirection issues when the same slug is used in translations with hierarchical post types
  • Fixed page template being unchangeable in translated content, after deactivating the “Synchronize page template” setting
  • Fixed “This is a translation of” being empty when creating a new translation
  • Removed errors when deactivating WPML for a subsite in multisite install


  • Improved caching of posts, taxonomy translation data, and strings
  • Improved performances



  • wpml_permalink
  • wpml_element_language_details
  • wpml_element_language_code
  • wpml_elements_without_translations


  • wpml_switch_language



  • When WPML is set to use languages per domain, switching languages will not lose the cart data
  • The shop page is now properly processed as a shop page, instead of behaving as a regular custom post type archive page.


  • Improved WPML capabilities definitions by adding descriptive labels

WPML String Translation


  • Fixed a problem with slug translation showing translated slug for English on Multilingual Content Setup when Admin language is other than English
  • Fixed slug translation so it works with the default permalink structure.
  • Fixed caching problem with admin texts which caused some admin texts to not update correctly.
  • Removed PHP Fatal error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes caused by gettext_context_md5
  • Fixed string scanning issues


  • Support multi-line strings when importing and exporting po files
  • Support gettext contexts in string translation

WPML Translation Management


  • Translation Editor shows existing translated content, if there was a previous translation
  • Editor can translate again content if he is set as a translator
  • Translation Editor won’t changes language pairs for translators any more
  • Titles for packages and posts won’t get mixed up in the translation jobs table any more
  • Users set as translators can translate content again, using the translation editor, even if there is not a translation job created for that content

GravityForms Multilingual


  • Is now possible to translate price field options labels and values

Download and Update

This is still a beta version, so it’s not intended for everyone. If your site is impacted by a bug that’s fixed in this release, you can use this version to fix.

Before installing beta versions on your site, please make complete backup. This should include the files and database.

As a beta version, this update is only available by manual download and installation. To download, go to your WPML account and click on Downloads.

If you have a Multilingual CMS account, you will see a CMS Beta Package download. Download it and unzip. The download includes ZIP files of all of WPML’s components. You need to update all WPML components that you are using (it’s not possible to run a site with a mixture of old and new versions).

If you have a Multilingual Blog account, you will see a WPML Blog Beta download. You need to extract and upload this to your site to the plugins folder.

Schedule for the production version

WPML 3.2.3 is going into QA next week. This version received testing for all fixes, but not comprehensive testing “from scratch”. QA takes about 2 weeks to complete. Then, we will release the final WPML 3.2.3.


If you have questions, suggestions or ideas, please leave your comments and we will reply.

10 Responses to “Beta Version for WPML 3.2.3 Bugfix Release”

  1. Make sure to test on a dev site first, on a different server than your production site… I just installed this on my dev site and the server rocketed to 100% CPU and RAM as soon as I accessed /wp-admin post install… I’ll update my support thread with more info.

    • Yes, generally speaking, it’s good to test beta versions on non-production sites. If you experience problems, we can help and resolve them. In every release there are changes compared to previous releases. If you are seeing very high CPU compared to before, we would like to debug it on a complete site copy. When you report this problem, please indicate if you can provide us a Duplicator package of your site. This would help reproduce what you are seeing and check what’s causing it. Thanks!

      • Just a quick update, it turned out the issue I was getting was due to trying to upgrade from a 3.2.3 dev version to the latest 3.2.3 dev beta version. When I upgrade from 3.1x the upgrade is done correctly and doesn’t destroy my server 🙂 A big thanks to Bruce for sorting this out.

  2. Actually I’ve got some problems posting new post that has no translation but have locked publish date and a warning sayin “Date copied from the original”.

    I’ve already add a thread on the support forum.

    This release will fix also this issue?

    best regards

  3. If we are using ICanLocalize for translations, can we update to 3.2.3 from and keep active translation jobs? Versions > 3.2 fixes a number of issues for us, but the ICanLocalize integration is holding updates back.

    • The ICL projects sync is almost complete, but still not ready. We are waiting for it too, for our own sites. We are pushing 3.2.3 with a list of other fixes, so that sites with bugs get fixed. In parallel with this, we are running comprehensive testing for migrating translation information to the new system in WPML 3.2.x. Should be ready very soon.