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In case you need to migrate websites from qTranslate to WPML, you might want to know that we’ve updated the qTranslate to WPML migration plugin.

The new version does the same as before, just a lot better.

Here are some fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed importing terms – this will help if you had issues importing taxonomy
  • Handling posts without titles – most posts have titles, but this fix prevents the importer from being stuck if titles are missing
  • Can handle posts without translation in the default language – if some posts have only translation, they will be imported correctly now
  • Fixed locale mapping for Swedish

And yes, we’ve tested the importer on WordPress 3.5 and it’s working fine. So, if you’re using qTranslate and it’s still working for you, it’s great. However, if you are having any trouble with qTranslate, related to WordPress 3.5 or anything else, feel free to give our importer a go.

We know that qTranslate has some issues on WordPress 3.5. The importer doesn’t care how badly things are broken on the public pages or the WordPress admin. If your qTranslate site got corrupted after migrating to WordPress 3.5 and you want to migrate to WPML, here is what you should do:

Backup your database. The importer will overwrite everything, so you want to have complete database backup before starting the process. The file system will remain untouched.

Here is how it works:

  1. Deactivate qTranslate. Your site will look like a mess. Don’t panic, it will get better soon.
  2. Install WPML and activate it. If you bought WPML, get it from your account. Otherwise, now would be a good time to buy WPML.
  3. Don’t configure WPML, the importer will do it for you.
  4. Download and install the qTranslate to WPML importer plugin.
  5. Activate the importer and follow the instructions. Go to the manual page for step-by-step instructions and screenshots.

Keep in mind that you should expect some tiny manual fixes. The importer should do 99% of the work, but there’s a chance that some little touches will be needed by you.

Need anything else?

If you’re using the qTranslate to WPML importer and things are still not working for you quite right, please start a new thread in our support forum. We’ll make sure that it’s all good for you.