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Finally, WPML 3.1.4 is released. This has been a bumpy ride, but I think that we only came out stronger. WPML 3.1.4 delivers much improved performance, new features and greater stability.

The premature release of WPML 3.1, almost 3 weeks ago, had introduced a number of critical bugs, which shouldn’t have slipped our testing. In the time since then, our entire development team worked on handling these bugs and anything else anyone had problem with. The result of this intensive work is WPML 3.1.4, which includes very significant performance improvements, a new capabilities system and a very smooth ride.

It’s a major update. As such, we recommend to back up your database before updating. You should really back up your DB before any round of theme, plugins or WordPress update. Usually things go smoothly, but having that backup from before the update will make life easier, if you need any help later.

The original announcement for WPML 3.1 covers the new stuff. Basically, WPML may take up to 50% less CPU than before, a lot less on the DB and have a new set of custom capabilities.

Download and upgrade

If you are using our Installer plugin, you will receive this update automatically to your WordPress admin. You can always download manually from your WPML account.

Again, this is a pretty major upgrade, with almost every file in WPML edited. We backed up our database before this release and you should too.


WPML 3.1.4 is the result of very hard work from the entire team. Want to meet them?


Andrea is WPML’s lead developer. Many of the excellent database caching improvements in WPML came from Andrea’s brain.


Many of you might have run into Konrad in the last few weeks, working on bug analysis. Right now, Konrad is working to further improve WPML performance.


Paweł is the newest member in WPML development team. His work on WPML 3.1.4 was relatively small, but he it taking responsibility for major development in WPML 3.2.


Mihai had led WPML development from its inception and until last year. Now, Mihai is leading WooCommerce Multilingual. Mihai and the entire WooCommerce Multilingual team worked on WPML 3.1.4, crushing bugs and optimizing performance.


Alex has worked on WPML for nearly two years and is now in WooCommerce Multilingual team. Alex worked on critical issues for this release and helped with complex debug for compatibility issues.


Bernat is the newest member of WooCommerce Multilingual team. He helped many clients and focused on compatibility problems with WooCommerce 2.1.


Bigul is our QA specialist. Bigul ran extensive testing for WPML 3.1.4, found last issues and helped ensure that you receive a stable product. Did you know that a complete QA cycle for WPML takes three days, includes different browsers, PHP versions and web servers?

Next for WPML

Remember we talked about opening WPML to other translation services? It’s finally coming in WPML 3.2. Also planned for this release are great improvements for RTL sites, more performance boosting and compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 3.9.

Ideas? Suggestions? Leave your comments and we’ll get back to you.

22 Responses to “WPML 3.1.4”

  1. After update, media dialog dont work and wysigw editor is blank, in js console:

    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘dialog’ post-edit.js?ver=3.1.4:10


    conflict with other plugins?

        • We will need more information to help with this. What is WordPress v 4.0? So far, WordPress is at version 3.8.1, with 3.9 in development only.

          • No no, is version of CKEditor Plugin,
            Wordpress version 3.8.1
            CKEditor Plugin version 4.0

            I’m back to older version of WPML, WPML 3.0.2-a is working ok.

    • Same issue 🙂 Here i noticed if the user viewing the content is an Administrator then it works but if the user is a Editor then it gives this error 50% of the time

      I rolled back the update and now it seems to work again.

      • We saw this happening due to a conflict with other plugins and when the main content editing is disabled. And, we have a fix for it, but I’m not sure that both problems you are reporting are the same.

        Could you please open a thread in our technical forum and describe what you are seeing? If you can include a screenshot of the WP admin, with the JS console open, it will help us see exactly what you are seeing. Paste here the link to that forum thread and I’ll make sure that it gets assigned to the right developer.

        • I have this issue. Or at least I believe it is the same issue. I have a custom post type with no editor field, and some custom image fields defined using Rilwis’s Meta Box plugin.
          You say “we have a fix for it”, which sounds good, but where is it? 🙂

          • We are updating WPML to 3.1.5 and it includes a fix to a JS conflict that we noticed, which happens when the visual editor is missing from the post editor. We’ll have a test version for it in a few days.

  2. I am having big troubles updating from 3.0.1 to 3.1.4. When i update, the site dosn’t work. It keeps refreshing everytime it’s finish loading. So i removed 3.1.4 and uploaded 3.0.1 again.
    This also resultet in some of my string translations is gone. Actual the strings are gone and cannot be translated. And i cannot “rescan theme” for strings. That button is gone.

    Pleeeease help!

    • Have you update all of WPML’s components? If you update only the core plugin and not the String Translation, some things will not work correctly.

  3. Hi all,

    this is a bug report (I cannot write support forum while I am not WPML licence owner, just developer? Din’t find the way to register.): Please pay attention to using myltibyte string functions everywhere they are needed. E.g. using of “strtolower” on “$wp_post_types[$post->post_type]->labels” in post-menu.php breaks UTF-8 characters on every administration “edit” page…


  4. Hi,

    When are you going to add the option to hide the active language in the menu.

    Example : When I visit my site in french, I just want to see an English button to switch. Currently, I see a useless Français button and the english button.

    Sorry If I misread this feature but I did not see anything in the admin panel.

    Thank you.

  5. Hi, Just updated the plugin to the latest and after doing that all links to spanish / portuguese pages are broken. Any advice??? PLEASE

    • I’m not sure what versions you’ve updated to. If you are using the recent 3.1.5 beta, make sure you’re updating ALL WPML components that you’re using.

      • Amir, I created a support ticket called “links broken”, just uploaded a pict of plugins. The WPML is 3.1.4. Let’s continue conversation in that ticket if you prefer.