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July 11, 2024

There are three user roles in WPML; Administrator, Translation Manager, and Translator. Learn how to assign them to your users and control access.

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WPML User Roles

Each WPML user role has access to different capabilities. See the table below for an overview. 

AdministratorTranslation ManagerTranslator
Send content for translation
Translate content
Review automatic translations

By default, the Administrator role is assigned to the user who owns WPML.

How to Add a Translation Manager

To add a Translation Manager: 

  1. Go to WPML Translation Management.
  2. Switch to the Translators tab and click Add a Translation Manager.
By default, the Administrator role is assigned to the user who owns WPML. How to Add a Translation Manager To add a Translation Manager: Go to WPML → Translation Management. Switch to the Translators tab and click Add a Translation Manager
Adding a Translation Manager in the Translators tab

How to Add a Translator

To add a Translator: 

  1. Go to WPML Translation Management.
  2. Switch to the Translators tab and click Add a Translator.
Adding a translator in the Translators tab
Adding a translator in the Translators tab
  1. Set language pairs and Save.

Your translator will now be able to add and review translations in the language pairs you defined. 

Control Translator Access to Automatic Translation

By default, translators can use automatic translation in the Advanced Translation Editor. To disable this ability, or enable access for specific translators: 

  1. Go to WPML Translation Management.
  2. Switch to the Tools tab and expand the Who can use automatic translation section.
  3. Toggle the switcher to update access.
Enabling access to automatic translation for translators
Enabling access to automatic translation for translators

Notify Translators of Pending Translation Jobs

By default, WPML automatically sends email notifications to notify translators when a new job is waiting for them. To edit this setting: 

  1. Go to UsersAll Users.
  2. Edit your translator and scroll down to WPML Translator Settings.
  3. Update the Notification emails checkbox.