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Custom Coding – write my snippet code PHP in getText() Calls

Internationalization / Given the Limitation of Translatepress to add new content in two primary languages

Automatic language assignment

Webseite Übersetzen

Repair blog structure

WPML show not all Jobs from WP Job Manager

Achieving WPML compatibility for open source plugin

WPML Inegration for Woocommerce, replacing WEGLOT

WMPL troubleshooting

Finalise translation of website in german & english

Automatically set all placed orders to english language

Fix bugs on our website linked to WPML multilangual plugin + publishing issues via Elementor

Anhänge der Bestellbestätigung (Germanized) werden nicht in de richtigen Sprache versendet

Fix problems and bugs in 80% translated site

translating complete site in french & spanish