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February 13, 2025

Easily translate Gutenberg content into any language with WPML. Translate automatically, or manually by yourself.

Website in English
Gutenberg website in English
Website in Spanish
Gutenberg website in Spanish

Why Translate with WPML?

WPML is fully compatible with Gutenberg, and works with many popular block plugins, like Kadence and Spectra. This means you can build and design your website however you like. And, once you’re done, easily translate it with WPML. 

Translating your Gutenberg website with WPML includes several benefits:

Flexible Designs

Use the same design across all languages. Or, create a new design for each language

Translation Options

Translate automatically, by yourself, or with professional translators

Easy to Use

Translate your entire website using WPML’s Translation Management dashboard

How to Translate Gutenberg Content with WPML

WPML can translate all types of Gutenberg content. This includes:  

  • Paragraphs
  • Headings
  • Images
  • Buttons
  • Links
  • Patterns
  • and more… 

Since Gutenberg blocks are part of the page content, they get translated when you send your pages and posts for translation. 

In other words, to translate Gutenberg content, simply go to WPML Translation Management and send the page, post, or custom post containing your blocks for translation.

Translate page with Gutenberg blocks
Translating page with Gutenberg blocks in Translation Management

If you want to translate your website faster, you can also use WPML’s automatic translation, powered by Google Translate and DeepL.

To learn more, see our Automatic Translation guide.

Translate Templates Built With Site Editor

WPML can translate any template, and template part you build with the WordPress Site Editor also known as Full Site Editing (FSE).

To translate templates, go to WPML Translation Management and scroll down to the Template or Template Part section. Select your items and send them for translation. 

Translating templates in Translation Management
Translating templates in Translation Management

Get Started With WPML

To translate Gutenberg content with WPML, you need the WPML Multilingual CMS or Multilingual Agency account.

To learn more about our plans, visit our pricing page.