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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.13

Topic Tags: ATE

Overview of the issue

When translating posts using WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor (ATE) Gen3, URLs containing ampersand (&) characters have it removed in the translated version. For example, a URL like ameter2=variable2 is incorrectly translated to The issue does not occur when using ATE Gen2.

You may also experience a similar situation with ampersands directly added in the content but stripped from translations.


Until this issue is resolved, switching to ATE Gen2 is a viable workaround.

4 Responses to “Advanced Translation Editor (ATE Gen3) - Removes Ampersand”

  1. In addition to the bug above. The ampersands are also stripped from regular text. This is annoying the least, because you have to manually insert the ampersand back via the WP editor.

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