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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.5.14

Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When you add the WPML language switcher as the first menu item to an Avada Mega Menu, the layout breaks.


Our developers are aware of this situation and are working on a solution.

In the meantime, please set your WPML language switcher as the last menu item.

2 Responses to “Avada - Mega Menu layout breaks when WPML language switcher is added as the first menu item”

  1. Hi, I made some changes to my website and added a mega menu on one section of the menu.
    Using WPML to translate the megamenu the structur remains the same but the styling goes away.
    The language switcher is the last element on the right of the menu, not the fist as mentioned above.

    How can i solve this?

    Thanks a lot

    • Hello Andrea,
      At the moment we don’t have any other workaround available than placing the language switcher as the last element.
      If your issue is not about adding as first element but about styling, please open a chat in our support so we can investigate it better.