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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using Divi and Yoast SEO with WPML, sitemaps won’t appear as expected if you set the language URL format as A different domain per language.

Instead, it will only show the sitemap for the last language you used before turning on the Yoast XML sitemap option.

For example, if you select a secondary language and turn that option off and then on again, the sitemap will show up in that specific language only. It will show the same links in the sitemap for all domains while it should show a different/correct links for each domain.


Add the following code to your functions.php file:

add_filter( 'wpseo_enable_xml_sitemap_transient_caching' , '__return_false' ,11);

If you are still experiencing this issue while using Divi and Yoast SEO, please follow this other workaround.

Next steps to resolve this issue

Multiple clients have already reported this issue to Divi, but it can help move things along if you contact Elegant Themes via their contact form and requested a timeline for the fix.

3 Responses to “Divi - Sitemap shows only one language if you use Divi, Yoast SEO and domain per language as your URL format setting”

  1. Buenos días

    Estoy utilizando el Tema Divi, al instalar el plugin WPML me está impidiendo editar desde el tema Divi dándome un error cada vez que trato de acceder a una página para editarla.

    Ya he probado a volverlo a instalar, etc pero cada vez que activo el plugin me pasa lo mismo, dejo de tener acceso a las páginas.