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Reported for: Gravity Forms Multilingual 1.6.0

Resolved in: Gravity Forms Multilingual 1.6.1

Overview of the issue

If you are using the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On and you try to add a new WordPress user, you will get this error:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘GFSignup’ not found in /wp-content/plugins/gravityforms-multilingual/classes/compatibility/user_registration/Hooks.php:46


Before proceeding make a full backup of your site.

  1. Open /wp-content/plugins/gravityforms-multilingual/classes/compatibility/user_registration/Hooks.php file.
  2. Look for line 42.
  3. Replace:
        public function onActivation( $meta, WP_User $user, $update ) {
        	if ( ! $update ) {
        		$key    = rgpost( 'key' ); // From ajax.
        		$key    = $key ?: rgpost( 'item' ); // From form submission.
        		$signup = GFSignup::get( $key );
        		if ( $signup instanceof GFSignup && $signup->meta['email'] === $user->user_email ) {
        			$meta['icl_admin_language'] = $signup->meta['icl_admin_language'];
        			$meta['locale']             = $signup->meta['icl_admin_locale'];
        	return $meta;
  4. With:
        public function onActivation( $meta, WP_User $user, $update ) {
        	if ( ! $update && class_exists( 'GFSignup' ) ) {
        		$key    = rgpost( 'key' ); // From ajax.
        		$key    = $key ?: rgpost( 'item' ); // From form submission.
        		$signup = GFSignup::get( $key );
        		if ( $signup instanceof GFSignup && $signup->meta['email'] === $user->user_email ) {
        			$meta['icl_admin_language'] = $signup->meta['icl_admin_language'];
        			$meta['locale']             = $signup->meta['icl_admin_locale'];
        	return $meta;