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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.9

Resolved in: WPML 4.7

Topic Tags: Bug, Compatibility

Overview of the issue

You may encounter an issue where the internal URL in the Nectar Slider of the Salient theme doesn’t automatically adjust when switching to a translated version of your site. This occurs after translating a Nectar Slider post that includes an internal URL in the Button Link.


Please, make sure of having a full backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open your …/wp-content/plugins/salient-nectar-slider/includes/frontend/helpers.php file.
  • Look for line 814.
  • Replace:
    if ( ! empty( $button_1_text ) ) {
    	$button_1_link = ! empty( $button_1_link ) ? $button_1_link : '#';
  • With:
    if ( ! empty( $button_1_text ) ) {
    	// WPML Workaround for compsupp-7240
    	if (class_exists('Sitepress') && ! empty( $button_1_link ) ) {
    		$current_lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', NULL );
    		$button_1_link = apply_filters( 'wpml_permalink', $button_1_link, $current_lang, true );
    	$button_1_link = ! empty( $button_1_link ) ? $button_1_link : '#';

2 Responses to “Salient theme - Nectar Slider internal URL is not adjusted automatically”