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Overview of the issue

When using WooCommerce’s Follow-Up Emails plugin, instead of sending just one email, the plugin sends multiple duplicate emails – equal to as many languages you have installed on your site.

The issue happens because the plugin uses the get_posts() WordPress function. This picks up posts in all languages unless we define ‘suppress_filters’ => false.


Please, make a full backup of your site before proceeding.

  1. Open the wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-follow-up-emails/includes/fue-functions.php file.
  2. Look for line 551.
  3. Replace the following snippet:
        function fue_get_emails( $type = 'any', $status = '', $filters = array() ) {
        	$args = array(
        		'nopaging'  => true,
        		'orderby'   => 'ID',
        		'order'     => 'DESC',		
        		'post_type' => 'follow_up_email',
  4. With:
        function fue_get_emails( $type = 'any', $status = '', $filters = array() ) {
        	$args = array(
        		'nopaging'  => true,
        		'orderby'   => 'ID',
        		'order'     => 'DESC',		
        		'post_type' => 'follow_up_email',
        		'suppress_filters' => false

11 Responses to “WooCommerce Follow-Up Emails - Sends multiple follow-up emails”

  1. Hello, unfortunately this workaround does not solve the Problem. We are using WPML v 4.5.5 and follow up 4.9.19. Do you have any other ideas how to fix the problem? Kind regards, Max

    • Hey Max,
      If this does not help, one of the latest updates (theirs or ours) may have changed this situation. Could you please open a new ticket in our support forum pointing out that the workaround does not help anymore?
      Thank you for your help.

  2. I have WPML 4.5.11 and “Woocommerce Follow up emails” 4.9.31. Recently “Follow up emails” sends out emails an all languages which it didn’t do before.

    Is the above function replacement the recommended solution at this point?

  3. The Woocommerce Follow-Up plugin is also sending duplicate emails on our website. Has this issue been resolved, or is the fix noted above still required? Thanks!

    • Hi there! We have not had any official confirmation that the issue has been resolved. I recommend testing this workaround to see if it fixes the problem, and if so, reporting the problem to the plugin authors.

  4. Thanks, we tried the workaround, and it broke out site. Also, Woocommerce Follow-Up Emails has been replaced by WooAutomate.

    • If the workaround broke the page, probably there could be a formatting issue from the copy/paste.
      If still doesn’t help, please start a chat in our assistance channel, we will be able to help you better there.

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