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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.7

Resolved in: WPML 4.6.8

Topic Tags: Bug

Overview of the issue

If you are using WPML 4.6.7 and you attempt to disconnect a translation from its original post, when you select None in the This is a translation of dropdown in the WordPress Editor, the disconnection does not persist. Instead, WPML automatically reverts the changes, re-linking the translation to the original post once you update the translation.


Please, make sure of having a full backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open …/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/core-abstract-classes/class-wpml-set-language.php file.
  • Look for line 169.
  • Change:
    	private function change_translation_of( $trid, $el_id, $el_type, $language_code, $src_language_code ) {
    		$src_language_code = empty( $src_language_code )
    			? $this->sitepress->get_source_language_by_trid( $trid ) : $src_language_code;
    		if ( $src_language_code !== $language_code ) {
  • For:
    	private function change_translation_of( $trid, $el_id, $el_type, $language_code, $src_language_code ) {
    		$src_language_code = empty( $src_language_code ) && !is_null($src_language_code)
    			? $this->sitepress->get_source_language_by_trid( $trid ) : $src_language_code;
    		if ( $src_language_code !== $language_code ) {
    			if ($src_language_code == NULL) {
    				$trid = $this->wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(trid) FROM " . $this->wpdb->prefix . "icl_translations") + 1;