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Este hilo está resuelto. Aquí tienes una descripción del problema y la solución.

Los productos traducidos no se visualizan en el segundo idioma en una tienda utilizando WPML con el theme builder de Divi. Además, el cliente no sabe cómo traducir partes adicionales de la página de tienda añadidas mediante el theme builder de Divi.
1. Verifica que la revisión de la traducción de los productos esté completa siguiendo esta guía:
2. Desde el escritorio de WordPress, cambia a un idioma secundario usando el selector de idiomas en la barra superior.
3. Ve a "Productos > Todos los productos" y asegúrate de que el estado de los productos esté en 'Publicado'. Si están en estado 'Borrador', cámbialos a 'Publicado' y actualiza.
4. Si los productos aún no se muestran, limpia los cachés de tu sitio y navegador.
5. Para traducir manualmente después de que la traducción vaya al 'cesto', asigna primero el trabajo a ti mismo en el cesto de traducción y luego procede desde WPML > Cola de traducción. Para más detalles, consulta: y

Si la solución proporcionada no resuelve tu problema o parece no ser relevante debido a que está desactualizada o no se aplica a tu caso, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. Te sugerimos revisar los problemas conocidos en, verificar la versión de la solución permanente y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins. Si necesitas asistencia adicional, no dudes en contactarnos en nuestro foro de soporte:

Este es el foro de soporte técnico de WPML, el plugin multilingüe de WordPress.

Todas las personas pueden leerlo pero solo los clientes de WPML pueden ingresar comentarios. El equipo de WPML responde en los foros 6 días a la semana, 22 horas por día.

Hoy no hay asistentes de soporte disponibles en el foro Spanish. Siéntase libre de enviar sus tiques y les daremos trámite tan pronto como estemos disponibles en línea. Gracias por su comprensión.

Este tema contiene 4 respuestas, tiene 2 voces.

Última actualización por Prosenjit Barman hace 3 meses.

Asistido por: Prosenjit Barman.

Autor Entradas
junio 22, 2024 en 9:15 pm #15787794


Antecedentes del problema:
Tengo todos los productos traducidos y no se visualizan. Tampoco se como traducir partes de la pagina de tienda que he añadido mediante el theme builder de Divi.

Los productos de la tienda no se visualizan con la traducción ya hecha en el segundo idioma.

Que puede pasar con la visualización de los productos traducidos?
Como puedo traducir partes de la pagina de tienda añadidas mediante el theme builder de Divi?

junio 24, 2024 en 10:40 am #15805699

Prosenjit Barman

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00)

Hello There,
Thanks for contacting WPML Support.

To reduce the waiting time, I took this ticket and responded in English. Please let me know if you're okay with it or if you want to continue the conversation in Spanish language. I will check and forward this ticket to one of our Spanish-speaking supporters to assist you in the Spanish language.

I understand the issue you're experiencing. I checked your site, but besides the Catalan language in the language switcher, I don't see any other languages. Additionally, I checked the products, and there are also no other language in the language switcher.

This usually indicates that the pages/posts haven't been translated yet, or if they have been translated automatically, their translation review hasn't been completed. Please try the following steps to resolve the issue:

- Please check this guide and make sure that the Product Translation review is completed.

1. From the WordPress dashboard, switch to a secondary language using the language switcher that appears on the top bar of the admin area.
2. Go to "Products > All Products."
3. Ensure the status of the products is set to Published. If they are in 'Draft' status, it will be indicated next to the name. To publish them, open the product in the Editor, go to the Publish meta section, change the status to "Published," and click on 'Update' (Screenshot: enlace oculto).

I hope the steps above will help. If the issue persists, please share the link to a product that you've translated but is not showing on the frontend. I will check it and advise you on what to do next.

Looking forward to your ressponse.

Best regards,

junio 25, 2024 en 5:40 pm #15823784


Hello, thank you, the truth is that I would like to solve it as quickly as possible. I don't understand that there is no assistance in Spanish, it's been many days. I'm translating with Google, I hope everything is understood.
There are no buttons for the other language because the translation of the products on the website is not working well.
I send you screenshots so you can see how all the products are translated, but if you want to see them in Spanish they are not displayed. And in the list you can see that they have not uploaded the image of the product. Do I have to do any more steps? In total there are 94 products.
Thanks, let's see if you see what it could be

Traduccion de todos los productos.png
Todos productos traducidos al español.png
Productos Español.png
Productos catalán.png
Lista productos Español vacía.png
junio 26, 2024 en 5:04 pm #15836303


I haven't solved the problem. I also don't understand where they go, when they go to the basquet, and then I can't translate any. I want to manually translate everything, because this is a huge mess. How do I have to make the translation manual? Thanks

junio 27, 2024 en 4:11 am #15839748

Prosenjit Barman

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Zona horaria: Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00)

Hello There,
Thank you for the update.

I completely understand the problem. From the screenshots, I can see that almost all Catalan products have been translated into Spanish and that the Spanish products are showing in the WooCommerce product list. However, there seems to be an issue with the WooCommerce multilingual product filter, which is not displaying the products in other languages. However, If you see the Spanish products in the WooCommerce product list, you can be sure that the Spanish products are available on your site.

However, I rechecked your site and noticed that the Spanish language is visible in the language switcher. When I checked the products and switched to Spanish, I found that the Spanish products were loading without any issues. Please see the attached screenshot.

As the Spanish products are loading fine, will you please clear the caches from your site and browser and then check again?

Also, as you mentioned that you are unable to find a way to translate after the translation job goes to the basket, if your site has more than one translator, you'll need to go to the translation basket and assign the job to yourself first. After that, you'll be able to take over the job and translate the content from WPML > Translation Queue. Please check the instructions outlined in this guide.

However, if you still prefer to manually translate the contents, you can also do that. Please follow the instructions mentioned in this guide and I hope it will help.

Feel free to let me know if you need further assistance or clarification in this matter. I will be happy to help.

[If you prefer to continue the conversation in Spanish, feel free to let me know so that I can forward this ticket to one of our Spannish supporters.]

Best regards,

Screenshot 2024-06-27 100304.png
junio 27, 2024 en 10:14 am #15842889


Yes, they solved it in Divi.
Many thanks for everything,

montseR confirmó que el problema se había resuelto en 2024-06-27 10:14:50.
Este ticket ya está cerrado. Si eres cliente de WPML y necesitas ayuda relacionada, abre un nuevo ticket de soporte.