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WordPress/woocomerce/custom content types und WPML – Best Practice mit vielen Sprachen (>20)

Iniciado por: Frank em: Unterstützung in Deutsch

0 2 1 mês, 4 semanas atrás


Integrate Google Translate to another rarely used language dynamic translation

Iniciado por: Frank em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

2 2 1 ano, 4 meses atrás

Waqas Bin Hasan

wpallimport woocommerce articles, second import translations reorganising

Iniciado por: Frank em: English Support

2 2 1 ano, 7 meses atrás


overview list to check all existing translations

Iniciado por: Frank em: Chat Support

1 2 1 ano, 9 meses atrás

wpml_default_language, wpml_switch_language with action won't work any more

Iniciado por: Frank em: Unterstützung in Deutsch

2 2 1 ano, 9 meses atrás


English translation sometimes overlays other pages as content

Iniciado por: Frank em: English Support

2 2 1 ano, 10 meses atrás


woocommerce Translation (Target SKU) deliver an error: WPML failed to translate

Iniciado por: Frank em: English Support

2 2 2 anos, 9 meses atrás


Virtual Multilanguage woocommerce product categories and pages

Iniciado por: Frank em: English Support

2 5 2 anos, 9 meses atrás


Hi, is there a possibility to get translation mode (fallback active) to a post-object?

Iniciado por: Frank em: Chat Support

1 2 2 anos, 9 meses atrás

Translating a protected custom field (woocommerce sku) – setting auto-removed

Iniciado por: Frank em: English Support

1 2 2 anos, 9 meses atrás


Todos os artigos escritos por Frank: