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Schlagwörter: Documentation request
Dieses Thema enthält 5 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme.
Zuletzt aktualisiert von Bruno Kos Vor 2 Monaten.
Assistiert von: Bruno Kos.
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Dezember 29, 2024 unter 11:00 pm #16551931 | |
sophiaK-11 |
Hintergrund des Themas: Die Symptome: Fragen: |
Dezember 30, 2024 unter 9:59 am #16552721 | |
Prosenjit Barman Supporter
Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Zeitzone: Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00) |
Hello There! Before this thread gets assigned to my colleague, I'd like to offer some initial guidance or potential solutions. I understand what you're looking for. If you're embedding the video using the video link, you'll need to translate the link to see a different video in other languages. For the translation, simply add the link to the video you want to display in the translated version. When translating the page or post containing the video link, the link will appear for translation in the translation editor. For detailed instructions on translating links, please refer to this guide: https://wpml.org/faq/how-to-translate-urls-shortcodes-and-html-attributes-using-the-advanced-translation-editor/ You can type "http" in the search box within the translation editor to quickly find the link for translation. I hope the information above will help to display a different video per language. However, feel free to let us know if you need further assistance or clarification. We'll be happy to help. Best regards, |
Dezember 30, 2024 unter 3:22 pm #16553687 | |
sophiaK-11 |
Thanks for your quick reply. I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. In any case, I cannot solve the issue based on the information provided by you. However, I'm not sure what you mean by "For the translation, simply add the link to the video you want to display in the translated version." Let my explain my setting in more detail: On the relevant page (versteckter Link) the following code is implemented to show the video: <!-- wp:video {"id":3151,"poster":"versteckter Link","className":"my-iframe","guid":"t1YVQ37C","videoPressClassNames":"wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-videopress"} --> In this code, the video link is included (versteckter Link). However, when I open the respective page in the WPML translation editor, the link doesn't show, even if I enter "http" in the search field. In the string translation editor, the code doesn't show, either. Therefore, I do not find any way to provide WMPL with the link to the English version of the video (versteckter Link). I'm looking forward to receiving further help by you or by one of your colleagues. |
Dezember 31, 2024 unter 8:41 am #16555099 | |
Bruno Kos Supporter
Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Französisch (Français ) Zeitzone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00) |
Can you please try the following: 1. Navigate to **WPML → Settings → Custom XML Configuration** in your WordPress dashboard. 2. Add the following code snippet into the Custom XML Configuration field: <wpml-config> <gutenberg-blocks> <gutenberg-block type="core/video" translate="1"> <xpath>//figure/div//a/@href</xpath> </gutenberg-block> </gutenberg-blocks> </wpml-config> 3. After saving this XML configuration, resave the original page containing the video block to apply the changes. 4. Check if the video URL now appears as translatable in WPML. Let me know if this resolves the issue. |
Januar 3, 2025 unter 11:28 am #16561076 | |
sophiaK-11 |
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, this approach did not solve the problem. However, I have opened another, more general ticket (https://wpml.org/de/forums/topic/seit-der-installation-von-wpml-treten-in-meinem-wordpress-immer-wieder-fehler-auf-insbesondere-mit), as the problem seems to be of a general nature. I hope that in this context my problem with the Videopress video will also be solved. Therefore, this ticket can be closed. Thank you! |
Januar 3, 2025 unter 12:35 pm #16561428 | |
Bruno Kos Supporter
Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Französisch (Français ) Zeitzone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00) |
Ok, let me close here and will continue on another ticket. |