- availability:
WPML Version: 4.0.0
- description:
WPML automatically tries to redirect visitors to the canonical URL when it does find a match. This hook allows to disable this WPML functionality.
- type:
- filter
- category:
- Miscellaneous
- parameters:
add_filter( 'wpml_is_redirected', 'callable $function_to_add, 10, 3 );
There are three parameters being passed to this filter:
- $redirect
- (bool) Boolean value to define whether or not to disable WPML canonical URL redirection actions.
- $post_id
- (integer) post ID
- $query
- (array) The WordPress query array.
- hook example usage:
The following example prevents WPML canonical URL redirection for a Custom Post Type with a slug of “city”
function mytheme_do_not_redirect_city_post_type( $redirect, $post_id, $query ) { if ( 'city' === $query->get( 'post_type' ) ) { return false; } return $redirect; }; add_filter( 'wpml_is_redirected', mytheme_do_not_redirect_city_post_type, 10, 3 );