- availability:
WPML Version: 3.2
- description:
WPML applies this hook filter to the original custom field values when a document is exported to an XLIFF file. The custom field value is in this way made available to external themes and plugins for further manipulation before saving e.g. substitution.
- type:
- filter
- category:
- Miscellaneous
- parameters:
apply_filters( 'wpml_tm_xliff_export_original_cf', string $field_data, object $element )
- $field_data
- (string) (Optional) The encoded original custom field value.
- $element
- (object) (Optional) The current custom field
- hook example usage:
A basic example
add_filter('wpml_tm_xliff_export_original_cf', 'callback_3', 10, 2); function callback_3( $field_data, $element ) { $field_data = base64_decode( $field_data ); return $field_data; }