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This topic contains 67 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by antonyS-6 4 hours, 44 minutes ago.

Assisted by: Alejandro.

Author Posts
June 14, 2024 at 8:38 am


Background of the issue:
I am trying to: *ALEJANDRO will handle it*. Ref Ticket I am experiencing issues with product variations where English product attributes are overwritten with translated ones, specifically Dutch.

Random product variations are intermittently and randomly adding themselves and overriding the English (default language) ones. This is visible in the attributes section for colour, features, etc. Highlighted attributes are self-created, and this effectively breaks the variable product.

Why are English product attributes being overwritten with translated ones?
How can I prevent random product variations from adding themselves and overriding the default language attributes?

June 14, 2024 at 8:43 am
June 14, 2024 at 9:12 am #15739233


Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español ) Italian (Italiano )

Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+02:00)


1) You mention

Highlighted attributes are self-created

What do you mean by that? i mean how are those different from the others that are not translatable?

I'm asking this because I'm not aware of any mechanism that is able to "self create" an attribute, you either create it yourself via the attributes dedicated page under "products" (global attribute) vs a locally created attribute directly in the product. both however are created by someone and are not "self-created" and in none of the cases they should "swap" languages.

2) Is there any product at the moment that has this issue?

3) When there's an issue like this, how do you fix it?

All these questions will allow me to understand better what to check (i'm however checking the site for other clues as well in the meantime).

Thanks in advance.

June 14, 2024 at 9:20 am #15739301


Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español ) Italian (Italiano )

Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+02:00)

In the meantime please check this out: hidden link

delete the attributes that appear under english but with a text from another language and then make sure the english attributes are actually translated into all the languages.

Next, click the sync button at the end of WooCommerce Multilingual > Attributes and wait for it to finish.

Once that happens, check the products that usually have a wrong attribute and check if they are ok. if one is still not ok, send it over as a reference so i can check what's going on please.

This might not be the only thing we need to do but it's a start, a needed step before we can move on.


June 14, 2024 at 9:29 am #15739312



1. Well I mean me and the admins of the site did not create them. They are a translation of the English attribute e.g. Dutch, Spanish etc. But they have some how also created themselves in the English attributes and then also in some cases as mentioned they replace the English version on products the attributes assigned. I am afraid I dont know how else to explain it. They are visible in the attributes section of the dev site you have access to but this is a couple of months old now from when dev site was previously requested.

It maybe triggered by when new languages are being translated but I have had reports from admins of it being noticed when no language is being actively translated.

2. Currently on the live site there is the one from screenshot this was reported yesterday. hidden link

3. How we deal with it - I have to remove the foreign attributes from the English language and then correct the products affected which takes time to identify and fix affected records.

June 14, 2024 at 9:34 am #15739411


Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español ) Italian (Italiano )

Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+02:00)

I have to remove the foreign attributes from the English language and then correct the products affected which takes time to identify and fix affected records.

Ok, this is what i had recommended in my previous message. can you tell me the following:

When you do that, you then delete the ones that appear as translations of those wrong attributes as well? if you do, can you tell me how you sync the products that were affected?


At this point, can you tell me if you have any other thing, a plugin or an integration that syncs products, from other places? (csv, other sites, etc)

June 14, 2024 at 9:56 am #15739487


To clarify the Europe and Ireland languages as discussed before are English based languages as the main is en-gb. All content for these is just duplicated via Translation Management.

We have not created these attributes in anyway shape or form.

Sorry I dont understand what you mean by this. "When you do that, you then delete the ones that appear as translations of those wrong attributes as well? if you do, can you tell me how you sync the products that were affected?" I have to basicaly fix them by correcting the attributes after deleting all the wrongly auto created attributes. The variations then seem to correct with the correct attributes re-added but then have to setup the attribute swatches again as they break. This then fixes it on all languages generally.

No we don't not use anything to sync products etc.

I have just found one on the dev site for you to look at. i am not going to touch it as I want you to see if for yourself so you can see what it does.

I would suggest at this point you to do whatever you want rather than waiting for me to do it as it will be much quicker. I would suggest you translated into additional languages which we have done on live site since the dev site Hungarian, Romanian and Polish. Then you can see for yourself what it does. I can do it if needed but please assign credits to our dev site as we already spending large amount for these translations and dont want to have to pay again for translations we have already done.

June 14, 2024 at 9:58 am #15739507


Sorry the one I found was on live site. Sorry flicking between sites comparing. I will let you know if I find one. Otherwise will make a new staging site for you to access

June 14, 2024 at 10:01 am #15739510


Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español ) Italian (Italiano )

Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+02:00)

Thanks for the permission. please tell me the name of the product or even better a link to it so i can test it out. and if possible tell me which attribute is missing there.

I'll run some tests and try to find out what's going on and will also add the languages you mentioned and try to translate them to see if the problem happens there as well.

I'll document myself as much as possible in order to be in the same page once we get to the bottom of it.

I suspect this will take some time, but please feel free to write here any findings or any questions you have.


June 14, 2024 at 10:15 am #15739552


Please confirm that you got my message that the product was on the live site not the dev site.

I am in the process of preparing an upto date dev site so please add option for giving credentials.

Please also confirm you will add credits to the dev sites so it does not cost us anymore?

Also if we used the "share this site's automatic translation account" would this mean that our translations should not be charged for if we was to use this on dev site to translate if required?

June 17, 2024 at 8:52 am #15744043


Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español ) Italian (Italiano )

Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+02:00)

I got the message and i was waiting on you to get back to me with the updated version of the dev site and the product name/url so i can start 🙂

I'll work on the dev site and do all that it's needed to test it, you don't have to add anything (credits or anything). I'll also keep track of everything that's needed, don't worry you don't have to spend a cent of your credits.

share this site's automatic translation account means that you're sharing everything among the sites, so yes, the credits would be shared there as well but that shouldn't be a problem since the translation memory is also shared which means that if you translate something in the dev site and it exists in the prod site, then you wouldn't pay for those segments when you translate the prod site. i can explain this more in detail when we first solve this problem, ok?


June 17, 2024 at 11:29 am #15744993


Alejandro, the new dev site is ready and waiting for you as per my last message 14/6/24 10:15 "I am in the process of preparing an upto date dev site so please add option for giving credentials." The credentials are the same but the subdomain has changed as per link below.

As requested this is a product which has got messed up attributes
hidden link

But please be aware i have given access ref another ticket as this was an urgent issues that started Friday afternoon.

Your answer for the shared translations is fine. I just wanted to know if it would prevent us from being charged twice ref this issue and future issues.

June 17, 2024 at 11:30 am #15744997


Pleas make ticket private

June 17, 2024 at 11:46 am #15745052


Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español ) Italian (Italiano )

Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+02:00)

There you go. I'll be waiting for the new credentials to access it and start testing here.

June 17, 2024 at 12:00 pm