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WPML 2.4.0 is out and available for your update pleasure. This version includes many new features and bug fixes.

I wrote about the new features in the release-candidate post, but here a quick reminder:

  • Menu Synchronization – no more need to manually build menus in different languages, WPML can build them for you
  • Filter by Parent in the Translation Dashboard – easily select groups of child pages, or posts by category for translations
  • Language Switcher in Menu – add WPML’s language switcher to WordPress menus
  • Author Names Translation Optional – choose which profiles to translate via the String Translation screen
  • Translation for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category – the default category can have a meaningful name in different languages
  • Full Support for Types and Views – WPML and our new custom data plugin work perfectly together

Along with these new features, we also fixed a handful of bugs, so this upgrade is highly recommended. As always, you should backup your database before upgrading – just in case.

Getting This Upgrade

Normally, you should see this upgrade in your WordPress admin, in the plugins section. For the auto-upgrade to work, you’ll need to enter your subscription email and key. You can also upgrade manually by downloading this version from your WPML account.

What Next?

Our immediate priority is to make sure that WPML is fully compatible with WordPress 3.3, before the release candidate comes out (and way before the final WP 3.3 release is ready).

WP 3.3 includes new and exciting features which we need to respond to. This ranges from cosmetic, but important, changes in the Admin layout to much improved URL resolution. I’ll write more about WP 3.3 compatibility as soon as we have something.

Then, we’ll be back to our planned development and will add the anticipated support for displaying untranslated content.

We Love Feedback

Please let us know how you like this upgrade.  Of course, if you need any technical help, the forum is the place to go. For ideas, suggestions and just plain feedback, leave comments here.

25 Responses to “WPML 2.4.0”

  1. What do you mean by “For the auto-upgrade to work, you’ll need to enter your subscription email and key”? I see no place no enter this information in the plugin configuration, and if I click on auto-update in WP the update fails without prompting me for anything.

    Also, WordPress says the compatibility status with WP3.2.1 is unknown… how come?


    • SIlly me, the place to enter the key was not in the plugin config but on the main dashboard. However after entering the info the auto update still won’t work: “An error occurred while updating WPML Multilingual CMS: Update package not available..”

      • WordPress caches the plugin info for 12-24 hours. After you enter the key, let it rest for a day. Tomorrow, it should work.

  2. Hi,
    Your multilanguage pluging is excellent !
    But it would be fantastic if your newsletter were also in multilanguage, (and especially in French ;o).

    • For this, we need some cooperation from the author of Nextgen. We tried everything we could think of, including donating (significant amounts) to NGG, and still no interest.

  3. I really think your notification for and actually procedure for the upgrade is totally inadequate. I am surely not the only one who tried many things before discovering that a key is required and even then the upgrade is signaled as not being done, when it has ?? / has not ?? been done. This really warranted a well signaled and full post of explanations – including the name change for the main file !! I admit that at one point I was tempted to get rid of all the WPML extensions and writing off my investment. So now I’m waiting, you say, for a cache to clear. Crossing fingers.

    • This bugs me too. It’s a built-in thing in WordPress core, which we have little control over. You might be interested to know that we’re working on another plugin, which will greatly enhance the WordPress plugins and themes interface. We hope to have this ready soon.

  4. Thanks for the latest update, will be interesting to check out.

    One oddity I had, was that WP was telling me there were three plugin updates. After I automatically updated the main one (WPML Multilingual CMS), the update notices for the other two (Translation management and Strig translation) went away, so I’ll have to update thos manually now – which isn’t a big deal, just thought I’d let you know.

    • Thanks for reporting this. When you go to the plugins page, you don’t see the link to update the other two WPML plugins? This is pretty strange. If you want, we’ll appreciate getting access to your site, so that we can investigate this. It’s not happening in our debug. Please start a thread in our forum and Daniel will contact you privately.

  5. I’m running a network of sites and the update returns an error “An error occurred while updating WPML Multilingual CMS: Update package not available..”.
    Can someone tell me how to update manually? just ftp the files to the plugin dir?

    • Yes,if you’re having any sort of problems with the automated update, please download the new files from your WPML account (under Downloads), unzip them and upload with an FTP program to your site. Be sure to do a safe update process:
      0) Backup your database
      1) Disable WPML and the addon plugins
      2) Upload the new versions of WPML and all addon plugins you’re using
      3) Enable

  6. Hey,

    Do you have a “How to” for Menu Synchronization, I can’t do it and maybe miss a point.
    I am using WP 3.2.1 Buddypress 1.5.1 and WPML 2.4.0


  7. Hi, im really interested to buy this theme, but i need to know if this plugin have fully support with e-commerce plugin woocommerce (i just know the wpe).

    Do you have roadmap features to add in the future and milestone releases dates?

    Thanks in advance.

    • We want to test WPML with WooCommerce, but haven’t done so yet, so I can’t say how these two work together. We are planning to do this testing in the next couple of weeks.

      • Better than WooCommerce would be JigoShop if you can test it.

        I would rather use JigoShop instead of Marketpress. (WooCommerce I won’t touch with a barge pole)

        • For this to happen, we will need some help from Woo team. Did you try to raise some interest from their side too?

  8. I have a serious problem after upgrading. I am using Ventura theme. I translated Inception Slider posts after upgrading (some of them before upgrading), now my website does not show up (shows an empty page), and some of the translation jobs are not selectable in the job list (no checkbox at the left). And ALL MY POSTS HAVE DISAPPEARED from the posts dashboard.
    Please help!

      • I guess I’m in panic mode. My pages are there (I was looking under posts instead of pages). but still my website is not showing up and the translation job list is in some strange state (some of the jobs have no checkbox and of course when I click on the item, I get a blank page, in fact any page leads to a blank page). I tried disabling WPML, but same result.

  9. Hi
    I have a problem with both the newest update (I’ll report that bug somewhere else later) and the subscription key. It keeps telling me: “The email and subscription key are not valid. Please check that you entered the correct information.”
    I took the key from my account page and checked that I had used the right email address as well, but it still tells me it’s incorrect. Anything I’m not getting?

    • Your subscription information looks normal to me. You should make sure that you’re entering your email and subscription key exactly as they appear in your WPML account. Also, make sure that you’re not entering any leading or trailing spaces.