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October 18, 2024

The Import and export users and customers plugin is compatible with WPML. You can translate the front-end import users page and send translated email notifications to users.

Watch this quick tutorial to learn more:

Getting Started

Start by installing and activating the following:

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

Translating the “Import Users From the Front-End” Page

With WPML, you can choose from two translation modes:

Note that while you can use the Translate Everything Automatically mode to translate your page’s content, you’ll still need to use String Translation to translate the form’s text elements.

Below, we’ll show you how to translate the form page by yourself:

Start by translating the import users form’s textual elements:

  1. Go to WPMLString Translation and use the search box to find the form strings. In our example, we are translating the Upload and process button.
  2. Click on the plus icon to add your translation and hit enter to save it.
  1. Edit your page with the form and locate the Language box in the right sidebar. Click the plus icon next to the language you want to translate your page into.
Clicking the plus icon to translate your page
  1. You’ll be taken to the Advanced Translation Editor. If you have translation credits, you can click the Translate automatically button to automatically translate your page. If not, enter the translations for each line manually and click Complete once you’re done.
Translating the page in the Advanced Translation Editor

This is how the translated user import page looks like on the front-end:

Translated import users page on the front-end

Notice that the Choose File button and accompanying text aren’t translated. This is because your browser is responsible for processing these strings. You will always see these strings in the language of your browser.

Translating Default and Custom Email Templates

With the Import and export users and customers plugin, you can choose whether to send the default email notification or create a custom one.

You can find the default notification email by going to Tools → Import and export users and customers and clicking on the Mail options tab.

Default email template

Translating the Default Email Template

To translate the default email template:

  1. Go to WPMLString Translation and select admin_texts_acui_mail_body from the In domain drop-down menu.
  2. Click the plus icon to add your translation and then hit enter to save it. Make sure to translate only the text of the email and not the shortcodes.
  3. Repeat the first two steps for the admin_text_acui_mail_subject domain text.
Translating the default email template in String Translation

Translating the Custom Email Template

Start by going to Tools → Import and export users and customers and clicking on the Mail Options tab. Scroll down to Email templates from this plugin and use the checkbox to Enable mail templates.

You should now see a new option called Email templates (Import Users) in your admin menu. You can add your custom email templates from here.

To translate your custom email template:

  1. Go to Email templates (Import Users) All email template and click the plus icon next to the custom email template you’d like to translate.
  2. You’ll be taken to the Advanced Translation Editor, where you can input your translations. Remember to only translate the text and not the shortcodes. Click Complete once you’re done.
Translating the custom email template in the Advanced Translation Editor

Your users will receive the translated version of the custom email when you import users using the secondary language version of the user import page on the front-end.

Known Issues

There are no unresolved compatibility issues between this plugin and WPML. Search all known issues.

Getting Help

If you need help translating your site built using the Import and export users and customers plugin and WPML, visit WPML’s support forum.