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February 10, 2025

WPML’s glossary lets you create better translations by defining how you want certain words to appear in your site’s translations.

What is the WPML Glossary?

The WPML Glossary is a tool for improving translation accuracy by specifying translations for words that have multiple meanings. 

For example, the term ‘whole foods’ can mean both the organic supermarket (Whole Foods) and foods that are minimally processed. To eliminate confusion, you can create a glossary entry with the correct translation in different languages: 

Cookie glossary entry with translations
Cookie glossary entry with translations

Once created, automatic translation engines will use the glossary entry to correctly translate your terms, and your translators will receive additional context during translation.

Glossary entry in ATE
WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor suggesting a translation for a glossary term

How to Create Glossary Entries in WPML

There are two types of glossary entries in WPML; Name or proper noun, and General term.

Name or Proper NounGeneral Term
Appears in translations exactly as you enter it in the glossary. 

For example, the Name ‘Apple’ (tech company) will appear the same in all languages.
Appears in translations exactly as you enter it, or slightly adjusted to fit the context. 

For example, the General term ‘apple’ will appear as ‘manzana’ (singular) or ‘manzanas’ (plural) depending on the context.

To create glossary entries in WPML: 

  1. Go to WPML Translation Management.
  2. Switch to the Tools tab and select Glossary.
  3. Click Add glossary entry and enter your term.
Adding new glossary entry in WPML
Adding new glossary entry in WPML

By default, you cannot add glossary terms to hidden languages. To override this setting, go to Users → Profile and edit your user. Check Display hidden languages and save.

Bulk Importing Glossary Terms Using CSV Files

WPML allows you to easily import (and export) your glossary terms using CSV files. This approach can save you time by instantly importing many terms at once, as well as streamline your organization by having all terms in one place.

To import or export glossary terms:

  1. Go to WPML Translation Management.
  2. Click the Translation Tools tab.
  3. Switch to the Glossary sub-tab and click the Import / export glossary button.
Bulk import glossary
Importing or exporting your glossary using a CSV spreadsheet

Updating Translations After Changing Glossary Entries

Whenever you create or update glossary terms, you need to update translations that include these terms. To automatically update all necessary translations, go to the Glossary tab and click Update existing translations.

Automatically retranslating updated glossary terms
Clicking the Update existing translations button

WPML will now automatically update translations without consuming any credits. Completing this process may take a few minutes, so don’t click the button again if you don’t see immediate changes.

By default, this feature can only update translations created in the past 30 days. To update glossary terms in older translations, resend your content for translation via WPML Translation Management. Remember that this translation method consumes credits.