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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 3.3.5

Overview of the issue

When the Enfold theme is active and “A different domain per language” option is chosen, the theme styles are not being loaded.


Add the following code to the Enfold theme functions.php file:

function wpml_enfold_fix_resources_uri() {
    remove_filter ('stylesheet_directory_uri', 'avia_wpml_correct_domain_in_url');
    remove_filter ('template_directory_uri', 'avia_wpml_correct_domain_in_url');
add_action( 'init', 'wpml_enfold_fix_resources_uri' );

7 Responses to “Enfold theme styles not loading when "A different domain per language" is chosen”

  1. Hi Amit,
    i have the same issue and cannot fix it.

    Enfold 3.8
    WPML 3.6.3
    Wordpress 4.7.3

    When the Enfold theme is active and “A different domain per language” option is chosen, the theme styles are not being loaded.

    Kind regards