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Overview of the issue

Using the get_user_meta() function does not work for displaying translated user meta. This missing feature is in our roadmap.


Using get_the_author_meta() instead solves the problem.

To enable user meta translation, go to WPMLString Translation. In the More options section, click edit to choose which user roles you would like to make translatable.

Enabling the translation of user meta
Enabling the translation of user meta

Then, use the wpml_translatable_user_meta_fields hook to make non-standard user meta translatable.

3 Responses to “get_user_meta() is not returning translations”

  1. HI, I’m tray going to translate user meta values as described in this page. I followed all instructions but it doesn’t work. The user custom fields does not compares in string translation.

    • Hello!
      I am sorry that this is not working for you.
      Perhaps you could open a ticket in our support forum and show the code to our support experts, so that they can help you make this work?

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