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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.13

Topic Tags: Bug

Overview of the issue

When using WPML with taxonomy custom fields set as “Copy,” you will experience that translated terms don’t get these fields copied.


Currently, you need to save the taxonomy term twice for the metadata update to apply correctly to the translated term.

4 Responses to “Taxonomy Custom Field Metadata Set to "Copy" Requires Double Save for Updates to Reflect”

  1. Hello,
    I’m afraid the workaround doesn’t work consistently. I have only managed to get it working on the first updated term.

    • Hi,
      I can’t find any ticket either. I would say that probably you have quitted the support wizard before the process was finished. Could you please try again and add a screenshot at the moment you finish in case you have the same issue? You also should have received an number incidence by email.

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