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Reported for: WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency 4.12.0

Resolved in: WooCommerce Multilingual 5.1.0

Overview of the issue

If you are using our WooCommerce Multilingual multi-currency feature, you may find cases where products in secondary languages display wrong prices.

This situation is likely to happen if you set a default currency different from the WooCommerce’s default or if you switch currencies in the front-end before translating your products.


Our developers are aware of this situation. In the meantime, you can follow this workaround:

  1. Make a full backup of your site before proceeding.
  2. Open the /woocommerce-multilingual/inc/currencies/class-wcml-multi-currency-prices.php file.
  3. Look for line 147 and just after:
    public function raw_price_filter( $price, $currency = false ) {
  4. Add:
    $debug = new \WPML\Utils\DebugBackTrace();
            if ( $debug->is_class_function_in_call_stack( 'WPML_TM_ATE_Jobs', 'apply', true ) ) {
                return $price;

2 Responses to “WooCommerce Multilingual multi-currency displays the wrong amount”

  1. Hello,

    I need some help please.

    I am building my site using woocommerce multicurrency. I set up the prices in euro, USD and Hungarian forint, but on my site I can see that it does not show the price in Hungarian forint, only in Euro, so this way my product costs too much.

    Please let me know how can I fix it.

    Thank you so much.

    Agnes Klenk

    • Hello Agnes,
      I’m afraid your situation is different from the one reported in this erratum which should be solved as well.
      I recommend you to check your settings in WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual > Multicurrency and verify that your currencies are visible in all languages.
      If this does not help, please open a chat in our support.