Problem: You are using the Bricks theme and trying to apply template conditions to hide certain sections on product pages based on product categories. This setup works in the main language, English, but in translated versions of the site (German and Polish), the template conditions are not respected, and the sections remain visible. Solution: We recommend checking the known issue described here: Bricks Theme - Template Conditions Not Applied Correctly in Translated Templates.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problem: Wenn Sie versuchen, die Monats- oder Tagesansicht im Events Calendar zu verwenden und die Seite aktualisieren, wird stattdessen die Listenansicht angezeigt. Außerdem erscheint ein falscher Slug in der URL, und beim Aktualisieren der Seite wird nur eine leere Seite mit dem WPML-Banner angezeigt. Lösung: Dieses Problem könnte durch ein Update Ihres BuddyBoss Parent Themes verursacht worden sein, das den zuvor angewendeten Workaround entfernt hat. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, ein BuddyBoss Child Theme zu verwenden, um solche Probleme in Zukunft zu vermeiden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass der Workaround, wie im Erratum beschrieben, in der
Ihres Themes implementiert ist. Speichern Sie anschließend die Permalink-Einstellungen in WordPress erneut ab. Sollte das Problem weiterhin bestehen, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Lösung möglicherweise veraltet oder nicht auf Ihr spezifisches Problem anwendbar ist. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die bekannten Probleme zu überprüfen, die Version der dauerhaften Lösung zu bestätigen und sicherzustellen, dass Sie die neuesten Versionen von Themes und Plugins installiert haben. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, eröffnen Sie bitte ein neues Support-Ticket im WPML-Support-Forum.
Problem: The client is experiencing issues with partially untranslated WooCommerce emails in Spanish, despite having translations available in the String Translation. The client updated WPML and modified the TranslateWpmlString.php file, but the issue persisted. Solution: 1. We recommended updating the WPML plugins and add-ons to the latest version, specifically to version 4.7.2, to benefit from the latest bug fixes and improvements. Instructions for updating can be found at 2. We suggested applying a workaround for a known issue related to WooCommerce order update emails containing mixed language texts, which can be found at 3. After applying the workaround, it is crucial to double-check that all strings are correctly translated in the String Translation. 4. If the issue persists, we advised creating a staging site and performing a step-by-step isolation test by deactivating and reactivating plugins and themes to identify the culprit. 5. As a last resort, downgrading the WPML plugins by manually uploading the plugin folders or restoring a backup with a previous version was suggested.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: The client was experiencing issues with partially translated emails in a WPML setup, where emails were half in English and half in Latvian despite updates to WPML, WordPress, WooCommerce, and having translations available for all content. Solution: 1. We recommended updating the WPML plugin and all add-ons to the latest version (4.7.1) to benefit from the latest bug fixes and improvements. Instructions for updating can be found at 2. We advised creating a full site backup before applying any changes. 3. We suggested applying a specific workaround for WooCommerce order update emails that may contain mixed language texts, detailed on the errata page at 4. We recommended deleting and re-translating specific strings via WPML -> String Translation. Detailed steps can be found at 5. We conducted troubleshooting steps and ensured that the Elementor database was updated and the necessary strings were translated.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problema: El cliente estaba intentando aplicar traducciones en su sitio web usando WPML, pero al guardar, los cambios no se aplicaban correctamente. En particular, al traducir al español, el contenido seguía apareciendo en inglés en varias páginas. Solución: Primero, verificamos si el problema se debía a la utilización de un método de traducción incorrecto que el Editor de Traducción Clásico (CTE) estaba sobreescribiendo. Sugerimos realizar los siguientes pasos: 1. Editar la página en el idioma original. 2. Hacer un pequeño cambio en el contenido, como añadir un punto final. 3. Guardar los cambios para refrescar el estado de la traducción. 4. Actualizar las traducciones. Además, aplicamos un workaround descrito en la página de errata de WPML para problemas específicos con el CTE, que se puede encontrar aquí: Si después de seguir estos pasos el problema persiste o la solución propuesta no es relevante debido a actualizaciones o diferencias en el caso específico, recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También es altamente recomendable revisar los problemas conocidos en, verificar la versión del arreglo permanente y confirmar que se han instalado las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins.
Problem: You are encountering an error related to the load textdomain function, specifically with the message: Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly. This issue appears only in the FR and ES languages and is linked to the Favorites plugin, which your theme requires. Solution: This error is due to recent changes in WordPress. We recommend ensuring that the Favorites plugin is updated to the latest version to resolve this issue. For more detailed information, please visit the following link: WPML Errata on PHP Error in WP 6.7.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at WPML Known Issues, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket.