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In WPML, text domains help identify which strings belongs to what plugin or theme.

Text domain in WPML
Text domain in WPML

In addition to serving as a unique identifier, text-domains can help you:

  • Find strings in specific plugins and themes.
  • Clean the String Translation table by removing strings from plugins and themes.

How to Find Strings in Specific Plugins and Themes?

WPML includes a text-domain filter in Translation Management and String Translation. To filter for specific plugins and themes, open the dropdown and select the matching domain.

Filtering by text-domain
Filtering for Gravity Forms strings

How to Remove Strings From Plugins and Themes in The String Translation Table?

To remove strings from plugins and themes in the String Translation table:

  1. Go to WPML String Translation.
  2. Scroll down to Remove strings by domain and click Remove strings.
Remove strings by domain
Remove strings by domain
  1. Next, select the domains you want to remove strings from and click Remove.

Text-domain you selected will not show up in the String Translation table now.