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Dieses Thema ist gelöst. Hier finden Sie eine Beschreibung des Problems und der Lösung.

The client reported that while the mega menu content was translated, the main menu items "Our competences", "About us", "Career", and "Become a partner" were not translated and linked to incorrect URLs.
We successfully translated the menu items using standard WPML translation tools. The specific elements were set up in Beaver Builder under the row titled "Mega Menu Singhammer". For future reference, the client can apply the same WPML tools for translating other parts of their website.

If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we recommend opening a new support ticket. Additionally, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, please visit our support forum at

Dies ist das technische Support-Forum für WPML – das mehrsprachige WordPress-Plugin.

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Dieses Thema enthält 3 Antworten, hat 2 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Lucas Vidal de Andrade Vor 9 Monaten, 1 Woche.

Assistiert von: Lucas Vidal de Andrade.

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Juni 4, 2024 unter 2:20 pm


Mega menu is translated. The menu itself is not. The 4 main items "Our competences" "About us" "Carreer" and "Become a partner". They take to the wrong URL.

Juni 4, 2024 unter 3:17 pm
Juni 4, 2024 unter 6:24 pm #15704094

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Portugiesisch, Brasilien (Português )

Zeitzone: America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)

Hey there,

Summing up the points we discussed:

1. The mega menu items are fully translated (the elements that are missing apparently are not in the Mega Menu: Unsere Kompetenzen, Über Uns, Karriere and Partner werden are NOT in Design > Menüs). The steps to translate the menu are described here:

2. The texts that appear inside the Mega Menu, like "Unsere Kompetenzen - We transform experience into software.", can be translated via String Translation. You can find more details here:

3. As for the final part, where "Unsere Kompetenzen", "Über Uns", "Karriere" and "Partner werden" are not fully translated, I could not find where those elements are set up. Please describe step-by-step, after logging into your website, how to get to where these Elements are set. Please be as descriptive as possible.

I'll wait for your feedback.

Juni 5, 2024 unter 12:26 pm #15706709


Hi Lucas,

we managed to translate the contents of the menu.

The header elements "Unsere Kompetenzen", "Über Uns", "Karriere" and "Partner werden" are set up as a Beaver Builder Row "Mega Menu Singhammer": versteckter Link

Thank you!

Screenshot 2024-06-05 142609.png
Juni 5, 2024 unter 5:38 pm #15708287

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Portugiesisch, Brasilien (Português )

Zeitzone: America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)

That's great to hear 🙂 Please note that all the steps I sent are standard translation tools from WPML, so you can use them in the future. Have a great day ahead!