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Search & Filter Pro is a recommended plugin thanks to its commitment to continued compatibility and partnership with WPML. Search & Filter Pro is fully compatible with WPML.

Search & Filter Pro

– Developed by Code Amp

Version 2.5.17

Last tested on: June 20, 2024

Search & Filter Pro uses a drag-and-drop search form builder to filter by custom fields, taxonomies, post meta, and more. It works with any theme and is fully compatible with ecommerce plugins and popular page builders.

Search & Filter Pro features dynamic filters that reload as you filter products. This means you’ll only see relevant filters for the search items that remain. It also uses AJAX to automatically refresh the search results as you apply filters.

Search & Filter Pro can format filters as checkboxes, radio buttons, multiselects, dropdowns, and more.

Please note: The free version of the Search & Filter plugin is also compatible with WPML.

Known Issues

There are no unresolved compatibility issues between this plugin and WPML. Search all known issues.