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Dieses Thema ist gelöst. Hier finden Sie eine Beschreibung des Problems und der Lösung.

After changing the landing page to containers, the translations are visible in the backend but not on the frontend. Other pages without containers display translations correctly.
We resolved this issue by making a minor modification to the original page to prompt WPML to register the changes. Here are the steps you can follow:
1. Make a small change to a text or heading on the page using Elementor and save it.
2. This should automatically update the translation.
3. Review and approve the updated translation.
You should repeat these steps for any other pages experiencing similar issues. Additionally, it's beneficial to regularly approve translations under review, which you can do in WPML > Translations. For more guidance on reviewing automatic translations, visit How to Review Automatic Translations on Your Site.

If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. Should you need further assistance, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.

Dies ist das technische Support-Forum für WPML – das mehrsprachige WordPress-Plugin.

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Dieses Thema enthält 2 Antworten, hat 0 Stimmen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Lucas Vidal de Andrade Vor 3 Monaten.

Assistiert von: Lucas Vidal de Andrade.

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Dezember 4, 2024 unter 6:44 pm #16478428


Hintergrund des Themas:
I changed the landing page of my website to containers. Now the translations are not showing in the front, only in the backend, everything is translated. All other pages are without containers and show perfectly. Link to a page where the issue can be seen: versteckter Link

Die Symptome:
The WordPress page no longer shows the translation after changing to containers. The translation is there in the backend, but not on the front. I was expecting to see the English translation here, but instead, I got no English translation, only the German version.

How can I change this problem?

Dezember 5, 2024 unter 1:16 pm #16481566

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Portugiesisch, Brasilien (Português )

Zeitzone: America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)

Hey there,

Can you please provide more details on what the containers are, in your context?

Please share a screenshot of the page builder, where I can see the containers you mentioned. Also, if possible, share a screenshot of the page builder of a page using NO containers, so I have content for comparatives.

Please send me the link of the 2 pages, so I can check them in the Front End.

I'm waiting your feedback 🙂

Dezember 5, 2024 unter 1:34 pm #16481766


Hello Lucas,

Here are the two screenshots you asked for and the links to the pages:
With Containers: versteckter Link
With Columns (old): versteckter Link

The problem only occurrs on the the landing page (first example) where I swithed to containers.


Bildschirmfoto 2024-12-05 um 14.29.12.png
Bildschirmfoto 2024-12-05 um 14.26.52.png
Dezember 5, 2024 unter 3:11 pm #16482482

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Portugiesisch, Brasilien (Português )

Zeitzone: America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)

Hey Marion,

Thank you for sharing.

I would like to request temporary access (wp-admin and FTP) to your site to take a better look at the issue. It would be better to a testing site where the issue is replicated.

You will find the needed fields for this below the comment area when you log in to leave your next reply. The information you will enter is private which means only you and I can see and have access to it.

Maybe I'll need to replicate your site locally. For this, I’ll need to temporarily install a plugin called “Duplicator” or "All in One WP Migration" on your site. This will allow me to create a copy of your site and your content. Once the problem is resolved I will delete the local site. Let me know if this is ok with you.


- Please make a backup of site files and database before providing us access.
- If you do not see the wp-admin/FTP fields this means your post & website login details will be made PUBLIC. DO NOT post your website details unless you see the required wp-admin/FTP fields. If you do not, please ask me to enable the private box. The private box looks like this:

versteckter Link

Dezember 5, 2024 unter 5:46 pm #16483320

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

Sprachen: Englisch (English ) Spanisch (Español ) Deutsch (Deutsch ) Portugiesisch, Brasilien (Português )

Zeitzone: America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)

The access you sent is enough 🙂

It looks like WPML had issues registering the changes you made. I was able to solve that by following these steps:

1. I made a small change on the original page (I added a blank space to a text in Elementor and saved);
2. After saving, the translation was updated automatically;
3. I reviewed and approved it;

In your case, it's necessary to make a small change to a text or heading, so WPML register them and can update them. I did the above steps for the home page. You can follow the same steps for other pages that have this issue.

P.S.: I noticed you have many translations under review. It's always a good idea to approve them. You can do that in WPML > Translations.