Problema: Il cliente sta cercando di configurare domini diversi per ogni lingua utilizzando WPML. WordPress è installato in una sottocartella mentre il dominio principale utilizza Laraval. La configurazione dei domini desiderata è e per ottenerla ha tentato di utilizzare un reverse proxy, ma sta riscontrando errori nel log del server nginx. Soluzione: Purtroppo, non possiamo fornire supporto diretto per questo problema specifico poiché la configurazione desiderata esula dalle funzionalità standard di WPML. Consigliamo di contattare uno dei contractor di WPML per assistenza specializzata.
Se questa soluzione non dovesse essere più rilevante, perché potrebbe essere datata o non applicabile al tuo caso, ti invitiamo a aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto. Ti consigliamo vivamente di consultare la pagina dei problemi noti, verificare la versione della correzione permanente e confermare di avere installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin. Per ulteriore assistenza, visita il forum di supporto WPML.
Problem: The client is using the gettext function in their theme's footer.php to translate strings into Spanish, but the translations are not appearing when the page is refreshed. Solution: We recommended the client to enable the Auto-register strings feature in WPML → String Translation. This should be temporarily activated. After activation, the client should visit the front end, scroll to the footer, and reload the site once. For more information about this feature, please review the documentation: After completing these steps, the client should check the WPML String Translation dashboard again to see if the strings are now being picked up or if they appear translated when tested with an incognito window. If this does not resolve the issue, we suggested changing the gettext call from
and testing again.
If these steps do not resolve the issue or if the information provided here is outdated or not applicable to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: The client created English content in the theme and translated it into French via String Translations, but the new translations were not appearing on the front end. Solution: 1. Navigate to the
directory and delete files named "nm_theme_options". 2. Go to WPML > String Translation, find and select the string, and delete it. 3. Access your theme settings while in the English version and re-save your top bar text. 4. Return to WPML > String Translation and re-translate the string.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we recommend opening a new support ticket. Additionally, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, please visit our support forum at
Problema: Il cliente ha riscontrato un problema con un plugin custom che gestisce un custom post type chiamato 'prodotti' con tassonomie custom. Alcune pagine prodotto tradotte restituiscono un errore 404, nonostante la corretta visualizzazione nella pagina archivio della tassonomia. Soluzione: Il problema è legato agli slug dei prodotti che rimangono identici in italiano e inglese, causando errori 404 per le pagine in inglese. Se il plugin è stato sviluppato internamente, si consiglia di seguire le indicazioni fornite nella documentazione di WPML per la traduzione degli slug per gli archivi dei custom post type, disponibile qui.
Se la soluzione proposta non risolve il problema o se la documentazione sembra non essere più aggiornata, si consiglia di aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto. È inoltre raccomandato verificare la presenza di problemi noti correlati su, controllare la versione della correzione permanente e assicurarsi di avere installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin.
Problema: Están utilizando WordPress con los plugins WPML y Elementor, y tienen un sistema de redirección personalizado usando
para crear URLs ficticias. Sin embargo, el widget 'WPML Language Switcher' no realiza la redirección adecuada y devuelve la URL por defecto de WordPress, afectando la navegación. Solución: 1. Para abordar este problema, necesitamos un ejemplo del código que están utilizando en
dentro de su archivo functions.php. Esto nos permitirá realizar pruebas en un entorno controlado y entender mejor cómo interactúa con WPML. 2. Aumenten el límite de memoria de WordPress a un mínimo de 128MB para asegurar que el sitio funcione correctamente. Pueden hacerlo añadiendo el siguiente código en su archivo wp-config.php:
Coloquen este código justo encima de la línea /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */. Pueden verificar el límite de memoria actual en WPML -> Soporte.
Si esta solución no resuelve el problema o si la información proporcionada aquí se ha vuelto obsoleta, les recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También es aconsejable revisar los problemas conocidos y confirmar que tienen instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins. Para más asistencia, pueden visitar nuestro foro de soporte.
Problem: You are trying to add a Facebook icon with a link into the WPML language switcher on your site. Solution: Unfortunately, it is not possible to add an extra icon or link directly in the WPML built-in language switcher. However, you can achieve this by building a custom language switcher using some custom code. We recommend using the
hook and customizing it according to your needs. For more details, you can visit Please note that this involves custom coding, which is outside the scope of our standard support. While we can provide guidance, we cannot create code for you.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If further assistance is needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: The client was unable to translate the name of a product variation in a WooCommerce site using WPML. Despite the translation being completed in the Advanced Translation Editor (ATE), the variation name still displayed in the original language on the front-end.
Solution: We identified that the issue was related to a custom function in the theme's
file, which incorrectly handled language information and prevented translations from being applied. We modified the function to ensure it checks for valid data before proceeding. Here's the corrected code snippet:
if (function_exists('wpml_get_language_information')) {<br /> $lang_info = wpml_get_language_information($post_id);<br /> // Check if we got a WP_Error<br /> if (is_wp_error($lang_info)) {<br /> error_log('WP_Error encountered in wpml_get_language_information: ' + $lang_info->get_error_message());<br /> return; // Stop execution if there's an error<br /> }<br /> <br /> if ($lang_info['language_code'] !== 'en') {<br /> return;<br /> }<br />}
After applying this fix, the product variation name displayed correctly in all languages. If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, please check related known issues at, verify the version of the permanent fix, and confirm that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. We highly recommend opening a new support ticket if further assistance is needed. You can do so at WPML support forum.
Problema: Estás intentando resolver un problema relacionado con el cambio de precio en multicurrency en tu sitio web. Utilizaste un código para solucionarlo, pero cuando se utiliza la moneda por defecto (€), la web muestra un error crítico porque la variable
no existe. Sin embargo, con otras monedas, como al acceder desde Argentina, el sitio funciona correctamente. Solución: Primero, necesitamos reproducir el error que mencionas. Por favor, describe los pasos específicos que seguiste cuando encontraste el error crítico usando la moneda por defecto. Esto nos ayudará a entender mejor el contexto y a proporcionarte una solución más precisa.
Si esta solución resulta irrelevante, porque podría estar desactualizada o no aplicar a tu caso, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También te sugerimos revisar los problemas conocidos relacionados, verificar la versión de la solución permanente y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins. Para asistencia adicional, visita nuestro foro de soporte.