Developers often need to build custom functionality that works with multilingual websites. This page provides information on creating such custom websites that work with the WPML plugin.

Achieving WPML Compatibility for Your Themes and Plugins »
Your WordPress theme or plugin can become compatible with WPML. This tutorial teaches you how to make your code fully multilingual-ready.
Adding and displaying custom content on your multilingual sites »
Building custom multilingual sites requires creating custom content beyond just posts and pages. Learn how you can easily set-up custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomy and display them on your site with no programming.
How to Translate Sites Built with ACF »
You can easily translate sites built with Advanced Custom Fields plugin. After configuring the translation option for ACF’s fields, you can translate them, including the repeater fields.
Using Repeatable Field Groups to Build Content-Driven Multilingual Sites »
A custom field lets you add one piece of information to a post, page or custom post type. A repeatable fields group lets you add lists of information. Using repeatable field groups makes it easier to manage the site’s content and with WPML you can apply this to multilingual sites.