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September 20, 2023

Using the Advanced Post Types Order plugin with WPML, you can synchronize the order of any custom post type across all your languages or set a different order for a specific secondary language.

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Getting Started

Start by installing and activating the following:

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

Synchronizing the Order of the Custom Post Type Across Languages

Note: Before you begin re-ordering, you need to translate all the custom post types you want to reorder into your chosen secondary language(s). You then need to create an Archive page for these custom post types and translate it. To learn how to translate your custom posts, see our documentation about translating custom post types.

Using the Advanced Post Types Order plugin, you can re-order any default WordPress post types or custom post types on your site. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the Avada theme and re-order our Portfolio custom post types:

  1. Go to PortfolioRe-Order.
  2. In Sort List Settings, set the Post Type to Portfolio (avada_portfolio) and click on the Create button.
Creating a new sort in Sort List Settings
  1. You should see a new section called WPML Synchronize. Select Yes to synchronize the order across different languages and then click on the Settings Update button.
Synchronizing the order across all other languages
  1. Scroll down to the Manual Order/Automatic Order section. Here, we will reorder our Portfolio items manually. In the Manual Order tab, drag and drop the Portfolio items you want to re-order. Then, click on the Update button.
Manually re-ordering the Portfolio custom post types

On the front-end, you can view your translated Archive page to see the Portfolio items synchronized between the default language and the secondary language:

The order of the Portfolio items in the default language
The order of the Portfolio items in the secondary language

Setting a Different Order for the Custom Post Type in a Secondary Language

To manually set a different order for custom post types in the secondary language of your choice:

  1. From your dashboard, go to PortfolioRe-Order.
  2. In the WPML Synchronize section, select the No option and click on the Settings Update button.
Selecting the No option in WPML Synchronize
  1. In the top admin bar, use the language switcher to switch to your secondary language.
Using the language switcher to switch languages
  1. Scroll down to the Manual Order/Automatic Order section. In the Manual Order tab, drag and drop the Portfolio items in your secondary language to re-order them. Then, click Update to save your changes.
Manually re-ordering Portfolio items in the secondary language

You should now see your Portfolio items in your secondary language re-ordered on the front-end.

Translating Other Advanced Post Types Order Texts

Besides the content coming from posts and pages on your site, there are usually some additional texts coming from other places. These texts usually come from your theme and plugins.

To learn how to translate these texts, read our documentation page about String Translation.

Known Issues

There are no unresolved compatibility issues between this plugin and WPML. Search all known issues.

Getting Help

If you need help translating your site built using Advanced Post Types Order and WPML, visit WPML’s support forum.