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I plugin per la gestione dei cookie sono importanti per garantire che il vostro sito segua le normative legali. Aiutano il vostro sito ad aderire alle politiche GDPR e a fornire informazioni sulla privacy ai vostri utenti. Per saperne di più sui nostri plugin consigliati per questa categoria, consultate la tabella sottostante e confrontate le loro caratteristiche, alcune delle quali potrebbero essere disponibili solo nelle versioni pro o premium.

Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie ConsentGDPR Cookie Consent PluginBorlabs CookieGDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA, PIPEDA ready)
Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie ConsentGDPR Cookie Consent PluginBorlabs CookieGDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA, PIPEDA ready)

Complianz is a robust GDPR/ePrivacy plugin that facilitates compliancy with global privacy laws. It supports a wide range of regions, helps generate legal documentation, makes consent management easy and integrates with a wide range of 3rd party plugins. It also makes translations a breeze!

GDPR Cookie Consent helps ensure compliance with privacy regulations by providing customizable and responsive cookie consent banners. It supports compliance with multiple privacy laws such as GDPR and CCPA, allowing users to manage cookie preferences with granular controls.

Borlabs Cookie is a premium cookie opt-in solution that allows you to give your users consent options in line with GDPR requirements. It also contains contains tracking codes for Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel and allows you to manage your cookies in Cookie Groups.

GDPR Cookie Compliance is a freemium plugin that is SEO-optimised, mobile responsive and fully customisable out of the box. If you want to benefit of extra features such as geolocation, content renewal, analytics and more, there is a Premium Add-on available.

Pricing model
Plugin price$0-359$69 - $399€39-299$0-499
Date testedGiugno 20, 2024Novembre 26, 2024Dicembre 16, 2024Settembre 24, 2024
Create cookie banners and notifications
Link to privacy and cookie policies
Detect customer location to customize notifications
Customize banners and notifications to match site styling
Scan for cookies automatically
Pre-designed templates
Option to partially accept cookies
More about Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie ConsentMore about GDPR Cookie Consent PluginMore about Borlabs CookieMore about GDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA, PIPEDA ready)

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