Background of the issue:
I am trying to output prices in Euros with the correct currency separator for different countries. Currently, there is no obvious way in WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency to set the thousand separator and decimal separator per language. It is correct for European countries like France and Spain. As demonstrated on Apple IE hidden link and Apple France hidden link. The issue can be seen on this page: hidden link.
When outputting prices in Euros, the currency separator is wrong for some countries. I expected to see Ireland formatting: €1,914.00, but instead, I got European formatting: €1.914,00 (e.g., France, Spain, etc.).
How can I set the thousand separator and decimal separator per language in WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency?
So I have quickly reviewed what you sent and this is not applicable. Please pass this on to Aljandro for review further. We have a long running communication with Alejandro and he will better understand what I am asking and if it can be escalated. As this is not customisation this is core funcationality of the plugin to function within all regions e.g. Ireland as well as Europe.