Background of the issue:
Recently in the new version of Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual (Version 2.1.0 April 24, 2024), a new feature named 'Added support to automatically convert target links in WYSIWYG fields.' was added.
I am not sure if it's this or if I had the issue prior but it's constantly trying to replace links that I would like to be unchanged in my ACF WYSIWYG field content.
I have found the `wpml_translate_link_targets` filter use that seems responsible for replacement of the links during the `acf/load_value` execution.
If I comment the line calling the filter in `plugins/acfml/classes/Field/FrontendHooks.php` everything works as expected.
The auto-conversion of target links in WYSIWYG fields is replacing links that should remain unchanged.
Is there a way for me to disable this autoconvert on `acf/load_value` filter?
Could you implement a CONSTANT like for `ACFML_EXCLUDE_FIELD_GROUP_STRINGS_IN_POST_JOBS` or add a toggle in WPML settings to disable this functionality?
Basically, the internal URL in the WYSIWYG field value should be adjusted automatically to show the translation URL in the second language. I think it is expected behavior and I'm afraid that there isn't an option to disable this feature.
Regarding a CONSTANT to disable this feature, I'm discussing this with our 2nd tier support and update you here when I have something to share.