WP Job Manager is a lightweight plugin that adds job-board functionality to your WordPress site. Using WPML, you can translate your Jobs, Job Types, and Job Listings into multiple languages
Getting Started
Start by installing and activating the following plugins:
The Translate What You Choose mode allows you to decide what to translate, and who will translate it. Choose from translating the content yourself, assigning it to individual translators, or using a translation agency.
WP Job Manager comes with three pages: Jobs, Jobs Dashboard, and Post a Job. To translate the title and the body of these pages, check out our guide to translating posts and pages. To learn how to translate the buttons and other textual elements on these pages, skip over to the section of this article about String Translation.
Before you start translating, go to WPML → Settings and scroll down to the Post Types Translation section. Choose one of the two Translatable options.
To translate Job Listings:
Go to the job listing you’d like to translate. Locate the Language box in the right sidebar and click the plus icon next to the language you want to translate your listing into.
Clicking on the plus icon to translate a job listing
You’ll be taken to the Advanced Translation Editor. If you have translation credits, you can automatically translate the content and review the translations. If you don’t, add the translations for each line and click Complete when you’re done.
Translating a job listing in the Advanced Translation Editor
Job Types are a custom taxonomy. With WPML, you can translate categories, tags, and custom taxonomies in different ways. To find your preferred method, see our guide to translating post categories and custom taxonomies.
In the example below, we’ll show you how to translate Job Types from a central taxonomy menu:
Go to WPML → Taxonomy Translation and select Job types from the drop-down menu.
Click the plus icon next to the job type term you’d like to translate and then Save your translation.
Translating Job Types from a central taxonomy menu
Translating Other Texts From Your Theme or Plugins
Besides the content coming from your posts and pages, there are other texts that you may want to translate. An example of this is the Apply for job button. You can translate this button and other additional texts from your theme or plugins with String Translation.
In the example below, we’ll show you how to translate the Apply for job button.
Go to WPML → Theme and plugins localization and scroll down to the Strings in the plugins section. Check the box next to WP Job Manager and then Scan selected plugins for strings.
Scanning the plugin for strings
Once scanning is complete, go to WPML → String Translation and search for the text you want to translate. In this case, we are searching for Apply for job.
Click the plus icon next to the language you want to translate the string into and then hit enter to save it.
Translating the Apply for job button using String Translation
Follow the same steps to translate other texts. This includes the texts from frontend forms that allow guests and registered users to submit and manage job listings.
Known Issues
WPML works fine with this plugin, but sometimes there could be minor issues we're working on. This is expected as both plugins provide frequent updates.